Day 64: 9 November 2009

Written by TVSA Team from the blog Big Brother Africa 4 Live Blog on 09 Nov 2009
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Big Brother Africa 4 updates - Day 64.

Add your updates and comments about today's live Big Brother Africa action.

To find out who's who and what's what with the contestants visit TVSA's Big Brother Africa 4 mini-site: Big Brother Africa 4.

If you have questions that you'd like to ask the housemates when they're evicted, please jot them down here: QUESTIONS FOR THE HOUSEMATES.


09 Nov 2009 08:42

morning mourners - what a wonderful day.  I spent the whole day at the graveside yesterday - very therapeutic.  I think I will be doing that on a regular basis.

Reply from: dorothy777 11/9/2009 6:12:20 AM


I am around. I am taking one week holiday from posting any comments. Visiting the graveyard? Hell No!!! I just want to continue reading all your comments and hold my peace for a week. Will be back next week. Enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

@Dorothy777 - you holding your peace??? kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa buuuuuhaaaaaaahhh, you are very foni you know.  Anyway, I also heard FSG saying that she is sane.

09 Nov 2009 09:27

DId anyone catch the Kaya interview? tjo!

Mourners, I believe we are happy mourners today... we have accepted the death of our loved one, the destruction of the grave and are happy to celebrate fspug's departure... I loved every minute of last night's show..

09 Nov 2009 09:32

FK, kwaaaa kwaaaa kwaaaa! Luv the figurative speak babe:-)  Eish so I tho't I'd taped the eviction and am mortified. I have nutting to watch, niks, nada!! Will have to watch Af Magic tonite. Hi to y'aal folks. I'm mad that during my Eddie's HOH weeks I cannot watch properly, nxa! Why do we have to work? And then sum bloke in Limpopo wins the jackpot TWICE in 7 years. No justice in this world moss.

09 Nov 2009 09:34


I heard the interview. It was pathetic... they didnt ask juicy questions.....

09 Nov 2009 09:35

I am writing a letter of complaint to Kaya...

09 Nov 2009 09:47

DId anyone catch the Kaya interview? tjo!
@Seg - those pipo - I have given up on them.  No longer trust them to do justice to BBA.  I gave up after the 3 were evicted.  Sent them questions via .sms, still waiting for them to ask the 3 (Eras, Paloma and Rene).

It looks like they don't even watch the show - they are not addicts, never been addicts - not even silent watchers (Segs, please help with a title here).



09 Nov 2009 09:47

Hey mourners, have finished writing already in less than a hour.. am home and cathing up, will try to watch the nominations but i am preparing for another exam tomorrow..

Yesterday was a happy day indeed Sego, oh what a wonderful day.. The after tears were out of this world!!!

Ruby Red
09 Nov 2009 09:53

hi people i was away, but am good.

i was happy to see psychobeth depart, her after declaring she would not leave before NKenna!

and for her to find out 5 minutes before.....................fate.

09 Nov 2009 09:59

my letter to Kaya FM

Good day 

I have for a number of weeks tuned in to listen to the breakfast show for the Big Brother evictee interviews. I am sadly disappointed in the quality of the questions and the knowledge portrayed by the team to ask questions that the public want to hear. 

I believe that the Big Brother show has a major following all over Africa and Kaya FM is a media partner because the radio banner and evicted housemates get shown in your studios each Sunday. With the station being available on the Dstv bouquet it is accessible to everyone all over the world (I assume). 

However, the breakfast team is clueless on the show, they don’t have relevant questions to ask and the interview is cluttered with adverts for your 2 strangers and a wedding competition which probably has a following only in Gauteng as all the contestants are based in Gauteng. Or do you have entrants from Tanzania? AND to me, it is a travesty that people that love and watch Big Brother Africa all over the world are getting such a second rate, not even that, a crappy rate of an interview. 

I get emails, calls and sms from people following the Big Brother show all over the world (Ghana, China, Namibia, Nigeria, England – to name a few) over the internet - on my blog and also on the official big brother website – that are sssooooo disappointed in the quality of the interview they have to hear of the evicted housemates. 

Everybody that listens to a radio show knows that there is a program that needs to be followed and advertising keeps the radio stations alive but if the radio station feeds the listeners what they do not want to hear – What is the point of it existing? What is the point of Big Brother show having a media partner that doesn’t keep listeners and followers of the show informed? 

We spend a lot of money on the show voting for the evicted housemates, the least we need and are asking for is a proper send off in the form of an interview with relevant questions, informed interview panel and enough time for the interview with no other clutter or muck about your current competition. 

My request and the request of the people that watch the Big Brother Africa show is a quality interview. That interview is our first, and maybe last, of hearing the evicted housemate express their viewpoint about the things they did, said, experienced and believe whilst inside the house. They deserve a good send off as they are our least favourite housemate, so please give them such. 

My blog is always available for relevant questions and following for the show. 


09 Nov 2009 10:01



Am falling in love with the show all over again

09 Nov 2009 10:05

Very well put Sego.

I will also write to them....

09 Nov 2009 10:19

Good Sego - have you sent it?  Please cc endemol, dstv as well so they now that they have to be very careful in choosing a media partner.

09 Nov 2009 10:21

Hey mourners, have finished writing already in less than a hour.. am home and cathing up, will try to watch the nominations but i am preparing for another exam tomorrow..

Yesterday was a happy day indeed Sego, oh what a wonderful day.. The after tears were out of this world!!!



Am falling in love with the show all over again

Same here!!!!

09 Nov 2009 10:23

FK: <<have you sent it? Please cc endemol, dstv as well so they now that they have to be very careful in choosing a media partner>>
 I did, i sent it to Mnet and Endemol... I need a multichoice contact...

09 Nov 2009 10:24

@Sego, that's very bold of you. And it's not an emotional letter.

GML, please tell them that we have resorted to reading "The Namibian"  which does excellent interviews and shows that the journalists do watch the show cause their questions are always on point.  

09 Nov 2009 10:25

and I BLOGGED IT for us to complain eve MORE!

09 Nov 2009 10:28

I need a multichoice contact...

I'm gonna call my friend, she works on the show and ask her for the relevant contact. But she works for endemol

09 Nov 2009 10:29

Thanks, V

dark knight
09 Nov 2009 10:44

Nominations: Nkenna: Itai & Leonel Edward: Itai & Leonel Gerry: Itai & Leonel Itai: Leonel & Emma

dark knight
09 Nov 2009 10:45

Mzamo: Itai & Leonel

09 Nov 2009 10:46

tjo! Itai and leonel seem to be up this week... Who will Twin save?

dark knight
09 Nov 2009 10:49

Kevin: Mzamo & Eddie

dark knight
09 Nov 2009 10:51

Emma: Nkenna & Gerry

09 Nov 2009 10:51

Widower's noms seem a bit emotional! a waste of nominations.. Nxa!

09 Nov 2009 10:53

Twin1 must save somebody and put up Ruby or widower... lol

dark knight
09 Nov 2009 10:54

Total: Leonel=5 Itai=4 Geraldine=2 Nkenna=2 Edward=1 Emma=1 Mzamo=1 Correct me if i'm wrong

09 Nov 2009 10:57

Eish! How I wish the top four would be up and Eddie saves Leonel and puts up the sobber!

dark knight
09 Nov 2009 10:58

Is Ruby still in the house? didn't see much of her yesterday or this morning?

dark knight
09 Nov 2009 11:00

Leonel: Gerry & Nkenna

dark knight
09 Nov 2009 11:02

@ Segololo: am hoping top 4 r up aswell, which means hopefully two will be evicted. I think Eddies swap is going to be key 2night.

Ruby Red
09 Nov 2009 11:03

leonel 5
itai    4
nkenna 2
geraldine 2

those are the highest.

09 Nov 2009 11:03

Is Ruby still in the house? didn't see much of her yesterday or this morning?
@dark night - she had a voluntary eviction yesterday - just before evictions.

Ruby Red
09 Nov 2009 11:07

the swap will be interesting.

09 Nov 2009 11:08


poor dog!

09 Nov 2009 11:09

eddie save leonel or itai and replace one of them with Kevin, and then we'll have 3 nigerians and becos the population in niger is so huge their votes will be split and then we'll c

09 Nov 2009 11:10

Am I the only one thinking that they might have waisted their nomination as we might have a FAKE EVICTION????

09 Nov 2009 11:13


poor dog!

@Segs - I think it was nomination jitters - the way Nkenna was looking at Ruby, she knew that if she stayed longer, Nkenna was going to nominate her.

09 Nov 2009 11:15

Am I the only one thinking that they might have waisted their nomination as we might have a FAKE EVICTION???? 
@ FK

There'll only be a fake eviction if all nigers are up

Ruby Red
09 Nov 2009 11:16

fk, i doubt we have time for a fake eviction

09 Nov 2009 11:17

maddie: I agree, mourner... If Endemol and/or Multichoice and/or Mnet want us to believe to believe they are not rigging the show, they will have to prove to us with no fake eviction until after the Nigerians face eviction all together...

09 Nov 2009 11:20

There'll only be a fake eviction if all nigers are up
If 4 are up tonite -and Eddie replaces Leo with KeLvin - we are diffinitely have a FAKE eviction.

fk, i doubt we have time for a fake eviction
Not really, we are not sure how many ghosts will be in the house on the 6th.  They might go for 5 ghosts and if that is the case, then they can FAKE EVICT 9ijas tonite.

09 Nov 2009 11:21


The fake eviction will be announced as soon as Eddie replaces someone with Kevin.

That will be fucked up. You watch this space. Only if Kevin is up will they introduce the fake eviction....

09 Nov 2009 11:22

lmao at the replies..!! D7s peace sabattical may jut be called off or cut short!

09 Nov 2009 11:30

Eddie knows that Kevin will nominate him because he took out FSPUG.

I think it's safe to say Eddie will replace Leonel with Kevin depending on how many people will be up....

I hope he does this for his sake.

Otherwise he will save Gerry and put Kevin up....

09 Nov 2009 11:35

Did u all see how they were sucking up to Eddie last nite after the eviction when he was busy making pizza

Ruby Red
09 Nov 2009 11:37

segs..................the sabbatical will definitely be off if 3 naijas are up.

09 Nov 2009 11:44

Leonel: Gerry & Nkenna... what's up with Leentjie & girlfriends?

If Endemol and/or Multichoice and/or Mnet want us to believe to believe they are not rigging the show, they will have to prove to us with no fake eviction until after the Nigerians face eviction all together... if that's the case, we go the SA route (toyi-toyi)!!!

09 Nov 2009 12:19

eddie save leonel or itai and replace one of them with Kevin, and then we'll have 3 nigerians and becos the population in niger is so huge their votes will be split and then we'll c

Good one maddie

Meme J
09 Nov 2009 12:45

For FK. This is directly from today's press release from M-Net on last night's eviction: "Here’s how the continent voted: Elizabeth was the least popular in Angola, Botswana, Ghana, Malawi, Namibia, Uganda, Zimbabwe and Zambia. Her fellow nominees Emma and Nkenna were least popular in Ethiopia, Mozambique, Nigeria and Rest of Africa and Kenya, South Africa and Tanzania respectively, splitting the vote 8-4-3." .............. I think how it breaks down is that they have the two "most popular" housemates of that round of voting, but their votes are broken down in terms of "least popular"!! Solved!!!!!

Meme J
09 Nov 2009 12:46

Any last-minute questions for Elizabeth? My colleague Selma's interviewing her this afternoon ...

09 Nov 2009 12:50

Questions for Elizabeth

Those pills she kept asking for, what were they for and is she perhaps addicted to meds?

If she were asked to convince someone that she is not crazy how would she do that?
Does her behaviour in the BB house reflect those of a normal person?
What was her strategy? Did it involve stringing Kevin along?

09 Nov 2009 12:57

Meme J:  The questions I posted on Sego's blog:


Are you aware that you came across as someone with almost zero communication skills? That you have the tendency to rudely interrupt the other person by saying, ‘no, listen’, and then you would ask them, in a very agro manner, ‘Do you understand’ ‘Do you get my point’. When the other person would try to answer the question, you would just rudely interrupt them again.

Some housemates have you called ‘psycho’, and many, if not the majority of viewers, have also labeled you as psycho. Have your friends, family and boyfriend(s) mentioned to you, before you entered the house that you come across as someone who might be unstable?

You were sick a lot. Or you acted sick. A LOT! Have you been diagnosed with a serious illness before you entered the house? If so, why did you enter the house knowing that you were ill? Or was it just a ploy to get sympathy votes?

You behaved quite arrogantly after you and Kevin were saved. Did ever cross your mind that you were only saved because of Kevin?

09 Nov 2009 13:08

@Meme J - then they need to be careful with what they write on our screens.  THEIR TABLE DID NOT SAY THAT.
Anyway, thanks

09 Nov 2009 13:16

I really hope he does not replace Gerry/Itai or Leonel. The three haven't tasted possible eviction. I mean with Itai being saved ny Nkenna. I will be ok even if he replaces Nkenna with Kevin coz anyway the woman will come up every week from now on but that Gerry always seem to escape.

09 Nov 2009 13:37

I agree the Namibian website is doing great interviews, I love the whole site as well..great stuff memeJ

09 Nov 2009 13:47

Thanks, Meme for hearing and heeding to our 10 voices as one only calls us

09 Nov 2009 13:50

Is it possible that they decide to put the only two housemates with highest vote up for eviction then EDDY make a swap based on the two...

09 Nov 2009 13:51

<<Thanks, Meme for hearing and heeding to our 10 voices as one only calls us>>

Very powerful 10 voices,...  the way I read it, a shows that costs millions was produced just for us, the 10 people who are watching.  We are so so so fortunate.

09 Nov 2009 14:05

well said, WSG... now I feel really important! 

and then he speaks about KZN and Cape Town... mcimmmm... we are talking  countries and s/he is talking towns! dorpies! dear laaad!

09 Nov 2009 14:25

From Sowetan

Big Brother’s latest evictee, Tanzania’s Elizabeth Gupta, is eager to find out if her boyfriend back home is awaiting her return.

Believing that she has remained faithful, Elizabeth said: "I have not spoken to my boyfriend as yet and I am really excited to find out if he is still my boyfriend or not.

"I do not think that I gave him any reason to doubt me, and if he felt a little bit jealous then it is normal - then I know that he loves me."

Despite amorous advances from Kevin who declared his love on several occasions, Elizabeth kept her distance. She told Sowetan: "Kevin is a very nice guy and I did not expect to meet someone like him in the house.

"I did not take him seriously when he told me that he really liked me. I was so rude to him at times because he was not getting the point that I was not interested - I needed this to be clear.

"I did however become very close to him. He picked me up when I was feeling down. He knows things that not even my best friend knows."

Elizabeth was evicted along with Ruby, the dog, on Sunday November 8, 2009.

So what are your future plans?

Elizabeth Gupta says her priority is to educate herself. Miss Tanzania 2008/9 is already a well-known TV presenter and actress in her country. Regardless of this, she told Sowetan: "Anything can be offered to me right now, but the first thing I want to do is go back to school.

"I need to be a professional so I am going to pursue an education in theatre and arts."

She hopes to eventually get into films and modelling. "Appearing on Big Brother has given me a new beginning and I am going to use this new platform now whilst I have it."

Reaction to her eviction

Elizabeth was not surprised at all about being leaving the house. "I could see in Edwards’s eyes that he had nominated me. He was upset with me for evicting his brother," said Elizabeth. "What’s happened has happened," she added with a carefree air about her.

Tell us about your ‘Big Brother Revolution’ experience

"It is definitely a revolution - every week was filled with different unexpected things. For people who would like to try it out then they must understand that it is not a holiday. It is a reality show and it takes guts to be in the house.

"I have a lot of respect for the people in the house because I have been there and seen it.

"I am glad that I am the first girl representing my country and I am looking forward to going home and making them proud."  ( Wasn't Latoya from last year's bba from Tanzania?)

Highlight whilst in the house

"I lost it when I met Keri Hilson. I was screaming. She is such an inspiration to me. Even if I went to one of her concerts I would not have had the opportunity to talk to her."

What would you change about being in the house?

"I wish I had not been so rude to Kevin. I also wish that I had not shouted at people or been really mad with them.

"I did not really mean it but I cannot change it. It is recorded and it is there even though I wish I could have changed it."

What was happening under the sheets?

"What goes on in the house you can’t really tell. I may get some surprises when I get back home and watch the show.

"If you are minding your own business you would never know. I cannot speak for other people - they will have their own explanations for what may have happened.

"For me even if I went in the same bed with

09 Nov 2009 14:33

 @Sego: And we are apparently abnormal, because normal people do not watch BBA. But since we are so important and fortunate, I guess we don't need to be sane.  Sanity, normality,... highly highly overated in my books.  Who wants to be normal, .... it so normal.  And plain.

09 Nov 2009 14:37

@WSG - that statement is very scary - if the watchers are abnormal and then I really feel sorry for Psychobeth, as I thought she was worse.

Meme J
09 Nov 2009 15:00

Eish, peeps ... they brought our interview way forward, by over two hours, so we had to scramble to try and get the questions together quickly. Couldn't incorporate everything in time ... but I think Selma got in a couple of the main points :)

09 Nov 2009 15:47

@ Meme J - its okay.  Thanks for trying.  In the meantime - let us all cross fingers that there is no FAKE EVICTION this week and that Leentjie or Itai is saved.  keLvin goes in and we are left with 3 9ijas up for eviction.  Remember this is what they did with Namibians- 3 Namlish  and 1 Namlish peeps were up

09 Nov 2009 15:53

Thnx Meme J 4 ur hard work n kip it up thts why THE NAMIBIA newspaper is the best newspaper in Namibia. Proudly Namibian

09 Nov 2009 15:56

@Lindakie:  Another Namibian on TVSA?  Are you serious?!!!!! That is so darn cool, now we can gang up against Piz who is denying his Reho roots.

09 Nov 2009 16:01

Did you guys see KeLvin weeping after Elizabeth got evicted yesterday?? Drunk, crying and trying to talk at the same time, he could not even stand on his own feet because he was wasted. Every time he tried to say something I just cracked up. And Mzamo, being the free-spirited biatch she is, offered him Whisky to calm his nerves. LMAO Can't get that scene out of my head...

09 Nov 2009 16:07

@Tshd21:  Did not see it.  But I read on O-Scary that he did the kruying ugly thing. 

I think Ghost Nervous said it best in his diary session, that they did not expect SPUG to leave, that it is now clear that they have no idea what the voters think and want.  It seems as if they were under the impression that SPUG was a strong contender.

09 Nov 2009 17:15

@Tshd21 - I saw that scene - that was too foni - hilarious and the widower kept on saying to him - don't talk. 

09 Nov 2009 17:32

Can they put Kevin up, so we see who the 150M Niger's want in the house??

09 Nov 2009 17:39

150m 9ijas want keLvin in the house.  Please correct me if I'm wrong Dorothy777.

The ghosts are hearing noises coming from the palace, they are also suspecting fake eviction.  Now where is the twist there?  THICK SIES must think, use that brown matter.  The mourners suspect fake eviction, the ghosts are also suspecting, if you are going to have fake eviction - DO NOT USE THE PALACE.  I REPEAT - DO NOT USE THE PALACE FOR FAKE EVICTEES.

09 Nov 2009 18:01

@FK:  Dorothy is taking a break.  She is organizing the kidnapping and forced marriage of SPUG.

The 150millions Naijas is going to keep their favorite Ghost Midget in. He would need that money to pay for his bride-by-force's medical bills.  Mental illness does not come cheap.

09 Nov 2009 18:25

Mental illness does not come cheap.  Tell me about it - They need to learn from the mourners - insanity is a b.......

That reminds me, lemme go take my evening dosage, and get drunk - apparently mourners cant be sober minded and get ready for 8pm - I want to see who scratches their bum the deepest today.

09 Nov 2009 19:01

@FK:  Ok, you drink on my behalf also.  Let me be sober tonight.  I want to experience my insane abnormality, extreme single desperation too the fullest, bare naked, stripped from any denial. 

And they better bums tonight, just not their own, sommer each others.  I am not going to stay sober for nothing.

09 Nov 2009 19:04

<<And they better bums tonight, just not their own, sommer each others. I am not going to stay sober for nothing. >>

CORRECTION (That is why I don't like being sober):

And they better scratch bums tonight, just not their own, sommer each others. I am not going to stay sober for nothing.

09 Nov 2009 19:24

And they better scratch bums tonight, just not their own, sommer each others. I am not going to stay sober for nothing.

kwa kwa kwa - are you saying all this out of frustration?  

09 Nov 2009 20:05

@FK:  You know mos!!!!  

I miss Dorothy.  My Naija men can't handle my insanity.   She needs to teach me to be a better wife for my Naija men.

09 Nov 2009 20:08

but where is lady D and TKSM?

09 Nov 2009 20:13

And Teeza?    I want my Jimmy's!  I want, I am desperate!!!

09 Nov 2009 20:19

Ghost Leentjie is going to pee her pants when she hears her name on the nomination list. kwa kwa kakakakakakaka wah

09 Nov 2009 20:25

Leentjie is going against keLvin kwa kwa kwa - 9ijas are going to chew her.

09 Nov 2009 20:30

Leentjie is more than just dead to me. I have cremated her in my mind and scattered her ashed remains over Sossusvlei.

09 Nov 2009 20:37

BBA is not going to make money this week. 

09 Nov 2009 20:43

@FK:  You are forgetting about the 150m Naijas.

09 Nov 2009 20:50

Hey wena, I've put the Choos on DHL neh. Get a fit and proper dress, not some Pep or MR PRICE thingy or I'll kill u @ the unveiling. Everyone will see how vein the insane and abnormal mourners who love debauchery are. Let me gulp another tot of sherry.

09 Nov 2009 20:55

@Teeza: So, my purple frill skirt and lime green top from ACKERMANS will be perfect.  And you better not touch me, I will push you into that sagging grave.   I will be severly insane.  And frustrated.

Lady D
09 Nov 2009 21:22

FK im here,im nursing a complexion for thhe unveiling of the tombstone. Im not visiting the graveyard cause its my colouring night,if you dont know what colouring mean ask Sego. Update mourners,who's up and who did Eddy replace!

Lady D
09 Nov 2009 21:26


09 Nov 2009 21:39

Lady! It's Leo v Kevin. B, I will be doing sum shopping for YOU 2morow. No way I'm letting standards drop. The peeps who were accusing us of watching crap will have even more to say. I won't have it. Maybe I shud let Meme or the new mourner from ur neck of the woods do the shopping. Lindakie, is it?? (Waving frantically and greeting her)

Lady D
09 Nov 2009 21:45

Thanks Teeza!!I wearin Stone Cherry at the unveiling,which designers are you mourners rocking?WSG, P.E.P botique is prohibited,so is is Akerman!!

09 Nov 2009 21:56

Me? Valentino babes. Eish, I'm sending moni to Meme to go shopping for this woman. I just have a bad feeling she will put on that lime green and purple. Can u comprehend??

09 Nov 2009 23:37

hehehe mourners, you getting more insane every minute!!!! Yeah there is something Sarah aint telling us, we cant have only 2 ghosts up for eviction!!!

09 Nov 2009 23:51


Be more technical and less emotional.What do you take Mnet/Endemol/Multichoice for? You think they are daft?  You want 3 Nigerians up? Ha! Ha!! He! He!! If wishes were horses---------. Try and let this sink in - Kevin and Edward will be in the finals. That is where the moneypot for BBA the Revolution lies.


It is possible 3 Nigerians are put up. Where lies your joy in this? Only 1 Nigerian will leave - Geraldine. Start preparing your mind, let it sink in - at least 1 Nigerian will be in the finals!!!!!


Stop the paranoia about fake evictions. Which fake eviction? Are you organizing it? 


SA women can never be good wives to Naija men. There is a serious clash of cultures. Most of the Naija men (mostly Ibos) hooking up with SA women are already married!!!!!!!


Who told you BBA won't make money this week? 150m Nigerians are already voting including myself.

10 Nov 2009 01:46

If Nkenna, Geraldine, Leonel and Itai had been put up, Eddy would have saved Itai and put in Kevin. He would have  given us the cock and bull story of how Africa must decide between Nkenna and Geradine. He would have told us he can't save either because they are both his friends and in his camp and then tell us he does not want to offend either of them.

Mischief makers will then take out Kevin and Geraldine or Kevin/Geraldine/Leonel. Nkenna would be saved because mischief- makers know she does not stand a chance against Eddy in the final. The sudden love for Nkenna which my SA friends in this forum have complained endlessly about,  that they can't hear what she is saying is suspicious. How can you vote to save someone when you can't hear what she is saying? 

The organizers of the show are smart. There can be no room for errors at this stage. Yes, many Nigerians voted to save Nkenna but make no mistake, when push comes to shove and Nigerians have to choose between the 3 Nigers, Kevin is the choice.

10 Nov 2009 07:54

morning Dorothy

Where were you when we needed the thesis?  

Me paranoid?  Do you blame me?  I was not sober minded, I am forever insane, single and frustrated.

Who told you BBA won't make money this week? 150m Nigerians are already voting including myself.  
Compared to other weeks where 150m 9ijas and ALL OTHERS get to vote for more than 2 idiotz.

10 Nov 2009 07:58


I am around. I am taking one week holiday from posting any comments. Visiting the graveyard? Hell No!!! I just want to continue reading all your comments and hold my peace for a week. Will be back next week. Enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

@Dorothy777 - you holding your peace??? kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa buuuuuhaaaaaaahhh, you are very foni you know. Anyway, I also heard FSG saying that she is sane. 


10 Nov 2009 08:06

@FK: Hi hi!!! I see my 9ja Momma-in-Law was busy last night. Again. 

I tried to read the thesis, but it was too sane for me. Could not finish it.  But I did get that a trillion Naijas are going to vote this week.  Organized voting crimes.

10 Nov 2009 08:10

morning WSG - have you taken your med this morning?

BTW : Organized voting crimes. I sometime forget about this

10 Nov 2009 08:23

@ d77

yes u are going to vote naijas to save your Kevin, but definitely through some scam I just don't trust you people

10 Nov 2009 08:41

 @FK:  Thank you for reminding me.  No wonder I have been feeling so sane.. Let me take it.  And then maybe I would be able to watch some diary sessions.  I want to hear who scratched some ass last nite,... maybe we got lucky some scratched some balls also.

10 Nov 2009 08:45

Yes, Maddie, they are not to be trusted. And my 9ja Momma-in Law is the coordinator. That is why she married us to her boys. Through cyber space. 

I need to get some coffee and see what the peeps on O-Scary are saying.  I don't think they will vote for Rhyming Midget Ghost.  They don't like him at all.

Tash 1
10 Nov 2009 09:12

Thanks Eddie for scratching Itai's back n' putting up KeLvin against Leonel, my vote is against the fake Swaggga.

I foresee Eddie n' Mzamo in the finals.

10 Nov 2009 09:35

ITAI ITAI at it again...the man is an expert in sucking up......all heads of house save him despite the fact that they did not like him....Quinn, Nkenna and now Eddy who used to put him up all the time for taking his boys out...

Is it luck or strategy that has been a success so far?

10 Nov 2009 09:45

Eish poor Leentjie being chewed up by Dorothy and the Trilion naija's.

SA women can never be good wives to Naija men. There is a serious clash of cultures. Most of the Naija men (mostly Ibos) hooking up with SA women are already married!!!!!!!

Clearly cos Naija women are too busy putting on PLASTIK hair with Christmas colours on their heads. Ask Geraldine and Nkenna she will tell you that I ain't lying LOL. REAL PLASTIK HAIR.

10 Nov 2009 11:13

SA women can never be good wives to Naija men. There is a serious clash of cultures. Most of the Naija men (mostly Ibos) hooking up with SA women are already married!!!!!!! 

You sound like a wife being cheated on by hubby and blaming mistresses for it... if Naija men don't think SA women make good wives why naija men date and marry them, and hurt the 'good nigerian wives' maybe nigerian women are not good afterall, have you ever thought about that....why can't your men be loyal to you...

D77 maybe this is personal, was your men taken by SA woman...?.

11 Nov 2009 08:09

d7s going on holiday,,,,,, she is back already she is worried about kevin she cant even slp, but frankly spkng who can resist SA women with their butt, gud looks and all. I think dorothy u must just give up on that man coz this battle i promise u u r not gonna win kwa kwa kwaaaaaaaaaa

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