At the end of 2009 we all looked back and had a host of things to be grateful for, some were what we set out to achieve and some were pure co-incidences and situations that we found ourselves in and looking back you cant help but be thankful of what happenned.
20 Turn is here people, it is the 6th day of the year, and what do you intend on turning around in your life and is there any order of how you want things turned?
Some people call these New Year's resolutions, but I like to term it new beginnings. Where one decides at any stage, it does not have to be the first day of each year, what they set out to reach after a certain time has elapsed.
I always think about setting my goals at the beginning of each year, but only affirm them all on my birthday..... The only good thing about being born in the first month of the year, is that the time it takes from thinking about my goals for the year and affirming them is a few days.
How often do you set goals in your life and challenge yourself to try something new /wild ?
How do you go about setting your new beginning, do you keep a journal, write them on a piece of paper that will get lost, or just have them engraved in your heart?
Are they based around your spirituality, family, career, self ?
Do you share them with anyone?
What are your goals for this period, if you dont mind sharing with bloggers
NB: For those that plan on rushing to say they dont think about new beginnings/make any resolutions at whatever point, it would only prove that they have no goals, and set to achieve nothing for the year, and come the end of a certain period will have nothing to assess themselves on.
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