American Idol Fiasco: Bad, Bad, BAD

Written by Tashi from the blog Tashi's TV on 28 Feb 2010
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If you caught American Idol, I'm sure you feel exactly the same!!!


In case you didn't stick around to suffer the full extent of the horror: after spending the entire afternoon watching the first perfomance shows of the season, the tapes were haphazardly mixed up.

The girls performance was half-repeated from 18h00, with NO final Results Show as there should have been.

The girls performed from 14h00, the guys from 16h00 and four were supposed to be eliminated at 18h00: two girls and two guys.

Even more distressing was that NO explanation was given as to when the results will be - all that was broadcast was an iffy, half-apology while the incorrect episode went on and on and on until Carte Blance started.


When it was first announced that the show is on a Sunday instead of on M-Net Series on two evenings during the week I was pleased - I thought it would be easier to keep up and watch each episode but after this I see that it isn't at all.

It's waaay too long to watch two night's episodes in one marathon run, week after week (espesh during summer) and now this no-show first results saps the clout out of things completely. Very rubbish.


28 Feb 2010 20:20

Haibo Tashi forgot about it!what a mess!

01 Mar 2010 07:27

Todrick hall,was without a doubt the best performer,prince would do that.but yeah mnet,sabc would do that!

01 Mar 2010 07:34

I just tuned in time for Andy and he did not move me.  Tashi, do you still think his the winner?

Anyway, I still have to watch the whole show and will comment later.

01 Mar 2010 07:42

If you caught American Idol, I'm sure you feel exactly the same!!!

Even more distressing was that NO explanation was given as to when the results will be - all that was broadcast was an iffy, half-apology while the incorrect episode went on and on and on until Carte Blance started.


01 Mar 2010 07:50

I just tuned in time for Andy and he did not move me. Tashi, do you still think his the winner? 
FK I'm with you here, Andrew just didnt do anything for me last week, infact most of the boys were just cold does that mean you guys havent watched the results broadcast? Mtss....sorry.

01 Mar 2010 09:03

so does that mean you guys havent watched the results broadcast? Mtss....sorry. 

Where and when did u see it?

01 Mar 2010 11:02

MNet totally messed this one up.  Was it payday weekend for the MNet working force?  

As for the performances, what a wonderful bunch of absolutely nothing WOW!

@FK: No-one, oh no-one can hold a candle to my guy hussy of last year! No-one,..

But I am with ThatDude, Todrick did something that actually made me want to listen and watch more. However, I don't think any of the AI peeps want him there, the judges are going to judge him OFF the show because of the controversy surround him. The AI peeps like them clean shows.

I also like the young boy, can't remember his name, ... he is living with his aunt what what. Strong voice,..

And the cousin of my gay hussy, something Lambert,.. Like the raspy voice...  Also, I have to do the family loyalty thing.

Shame, Kara and her hormones... how could they do that to the surfer dude? Nah, that was not so not on. As for his singing, blushing and smiling does not equal singing.

All boys I can remember.

As for the girls, damn, my girl crush is hot. She did not sing much, but she looked much!!!!!!!

I love Ellen, but she should really go back to her show. Ah, she is an incoherent mess. At least Paula was an incoherent drunk mess. With Paula, at least I could laugh. And empathize. With Ellen, I also laugh. But uncomfortably and nervous. And I am feeling embarrassed, and I then I have to drink some more to get over the nervous hump. Not good on my pocket in this recession.

01 Mar 2010 15:22

From a very realible source the girlz  Ashley Rodriguez  and Janell Wheeler and the guyz  Joe Muñoz and Tyler Grady  were eliminated 

*sobbing* for Ashley

01 Mar 2010 16:56

I was also pisseeeddddd!!! but they gave me a chance to catch up with PRIVATE PRACTICE. I didnt know they apologized, that apology is definately not enough!

Someone should be fired! You dont make that kind of mistake!!!

Im going to miss Simon next year, sigh :(

01 Mar 2010 18:32

@WSG Thanks for the update and REACTIONS.  I was going to watch it today, but after going Tashi's review and yours, I am so lazy to watch. What are they doing mara?

What is Todrick"s scandal?

01 Mar 2010 21:11

Was it payday weekend for the MNet working force?

Yep, and it looks like their pay is finished.........lasted for a day only.  They are back at work and they will be giving us results at 21:30.  Tjo!!!

@Tashi - do you have an idea what are the viewership ratings compared to last season (top 24).  I doubt they are close to matching last seasons numbers.

01 Mar 2010 21:29

Top 24 opening act - American Boy ......mmmmmhhhh - There's a guys who is off pitch. 

01 Mar 2010 21:36

Janell Wheeler - been eliminated.  Ok - after hearing her perfomance, my question is, why did she make top 24 in the first place?

Lemme go back and see how she got to top 24

01 Mar 2010 21:38

Tjo this Alison girl has not changed her looks from last season.  I must say this girl has a beautiful deep strong voice.  I hope these are new gloves and not from last year.

01 Mar 2010 21:44

Aha - now I know what happened.  I did not feel her nje from day 1.  From the "How did we get to Top 24"  article

Reply from: FK 2/22/2010 12:03:01 AM

So they only chose 7 to go through in Hollywood and we are now in California, to choose the remaining 17.

The first contestant called in is Janell Wheeler = 17 yr old. Auditioned in Florida – First audition, she got 2 votes. Her second perfomance was much better. Group performance was bad and stumbled on her solo. Why did she go through? Sometimes I don't understand these judges.

01 Mar 2010 21:47

Ashley Rodriquez - So Ellen's voice is not that strong.  She must start drinking like Paula and only then they will start taking her seriously.

My previous comment about her from How did we get to top 24

Ashley Rodriguez – Ellen has a crush on her. She has style and confidence oozing.. I thought as much. She made it to Top 24. She must thank Ellen for that.

01 Mar 2010 21:48

Ashley sounds better tonight.  The show just got ice cold...

I am not feeling these wanna be idols,..  they are all missing the x-factor, that it!  I hope it will improve soon.

01 Mar 2010 21:49

@TerryN - thanks for the headsup - however, it looks like we will be getting results on every Monday at 21:30.  

No spoilers please guys.

01 Mar 2010 21:53

@WSG - I know.  Is it losing its spark?  Did you see that butch girl (Allison) outfit?  Where does she get these hideous outfits?

01 Mar 2010 21:57

@FK:  How did they choose these wannabes?  Niks lekker nie,... not amount of alcohol would make them look and sound good.

Oh this one,...  the boy next door went blah,..  When Ryan said Chris, I could seriously not remember him.  Could not even remember one single performance of him...

01 Mar 2010 21:58

01 Mar 2010 22:00

@FK:  That girl is trapped in her own world,..  and that hair?  She was and will always remain a horror cliche...  Which is sad, cause she has a great voice

01 Mar 2010 22:01

To even think that he is the Idol - haai man.  His performance looks and sounds like an audition.  Haai, I give up now. 

01 Mar 2010 22:07

Tyler can go look for Adam now.

Previous commentory (I was warming up to him, shem) besides, I wanted controversy

Tyler Grady – I did not like his first performance but I warmed up to him in Hollywood. He acts gay – he does this funny thing with his hand. Adam - where are you????? He secured number 8 in TOP 24

01 Mar 2010 22:11

Dull, lousy, boring, no oomph, lacklustre

What did I do to deserve this mara he?  First it was a so much awaited BBA4 and now this???  Lemm not mention Survivor SA Zelebs????

What am I supposed to watch now?  Donald Trump the apprentice?

01 Mar 2010 22:12

FK, you can't do that,...  mention my gay hussy in the same sentence as that person,....  and then he had the nerve to try and queen stride through a song from one of my other crushes, The Lenny himself.  Eish, nee!

Well, I am out. If it does not get better on Sunday, then I am done with AI...

ciao ciao!

01 Mar 2010 22:14

LMAO!!!  Try do the solve the murder thing,...  I am getting my TV kicks from that!

Now I am really out!!!

01 Mar 2010 22:14

kwa kwa kwa - nite WSG

01 Mar 2010 22:16

he he he - this world is coming to something.  Watching 125 - Sex change hospital.  They are working on an fugly man, with a deep voice. 

02 Mar 2010 00:27

@TerryN.... Where and when did u see it? 

Ahh, lemme just say I'm not in SA thats why I get to see it not as a delayed live, but I just cant comment sometimes because I dont like Spoilers myself.

What did I do to deserve this mara he? First it was a so much awaited BBA4 and now this??? Lemm not mention Survivor SA Zelebs????  .... LOL @ Poor FK.. :-(

02 Mar 2010 08:17

Thanks SistaBB for not spoiling it

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