So here's something handy: the definitive TV guide to the 2010 World Cup.
It contains details of every single game in the World Cup with times, dates, teams, venues and groups. As a print-and-keep wall chart, you won't find a better one.
Alternatively you can save it for use on your computer, to keep track of the points tables. It's an interactive Microsoft Excel document which calculates the points tables according to the scores.
After each game you can fill in the scoreline and the points tables will be automatically updated. There's even a handy map of all the venues.
To get the document click the Download link below and save the document to your computer. To print it out, open the document once it's finished downloading and use Excel's print function.
To use the interactive feature, open it once you've downloaded it open it and insert a scoreline for any game in the boxes provided. You'll notice the points table update once you click an empty box.