The Book of Psaloma

Written by TVSA Team from the blog Big Brother All Stars Interviews on 05 Oct 2010
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The Nambian's Selma Shipanga chatted to BBA's Paloma Manga after her eviction on Sunday night and shares their chat with us right here.

Once more we'd like to say many thanks to The Namibian and MemeJ - who liaised these BB interviews for us - and to Selma for spilling ...


In the big book of Big Brother and his All Stars, Zambian housemate Paloma carved out a dramatic chapter all of her own. Paloma - also nicknamed Psaloma - was probably the most spirit-driven housemate.

If she wasn't petitioning and calling on the Holy Spirit, she was fuelled by that spirit in a bottle - whisky. And boy did her spirits have a field day given half a chance, sending her from from pulpit moments to the occasional glimpse of an inner Britney Spears.

The Sales Consultant from Kitwe exited The Barn on Sunday alongside Meryl,  Jen and Code:

Selma: Paloma how are you? How are you finding the outside world after being cooped up in the game for 77 days?
Paloma: I'm fine - the outside world is amazing - it's fun looking at the streets and all the cars.

Selma: How was this experience on BBA different from your first one?
Paloma: This was a great experience because when I got to the show I found out that I was going to be in the house with celebrities from previous seasons. I was a fan of all housemates before BBA All Stars and getting a chance to be with them in the game was nice.

Selma: What is your most memorable highlight from BBA All Stars?
Paloma: Having dinner in the sky.

Selma: Is there really a paint named after you in your native Zambia?
Paloma: Yes there is. My father owns a company that makes paint and he is the one that made the paint and named it after me about four years ago. The paint is brownish in colour. I have no idea why out of all my siblings my father only chose me to name a paint after.

Selma: Could you shed more light on that night in the jacuzzi with you and Mwisho?
Paloma: OMG. You know what, that day we all came from having dinner in the sky and then Mwisho pushed me and I guess things just went crazy from there.

There are no hard feelings or bitter words though. I was a fan of Mwisho during his first season of Big Brother. Nothing should really be made of that - night it was nothing.

Selma: Did you have any personal issues with any of the housemates ... say Meryl maybe? The way you spoke about her especially - you seemed to regard her as nothing?
Paloma: I don't have anything personal against any of the housemates, not even Meryl. Meryl is an individual with a different character from mine she's a strongheaded person and I'm a strongheaded person as well and sometimes strongheaded people get to clash.

We were in a game and when you are cooped up in a house for all those days you get to disagree with people sometimes. There are no hard feelings at all between Meryl and I.

Selma: What do you think about Meryl and Mwisho's engagement?
Paloma: They have taken a decision which they have to live by. Marriage is a lifelong relationship and for them to get engaged on television was up to them.

What I say or do not say has nothing to do with their decision because nothing anyone can say can make a difference. Some people will agree others will disagree. All I can do is wish them all the best.

Selma: Why did you have such a fascination with the tanzanite ring Mwisho gave to Meryl? You kept carrying on about how cheap it is - do you perhaps have a personal hate for tanzanite?
Paloma: I never said it was cheap - I just teased Meryl about it. As much as I might have made fun of the tanzanite ring there are no hard feelings about it. At the end of the day it all boils down to preferences I guess and I do not prefer tanzanite.


Selma: Has your friendship with Jen survived this BBA?
Paloma: Oh yes it's survived. Through it all we've argued, we've fought, we've even cried; but we also made up. Jen will always be a part of my life.

I respect her and I can basically say she held me together throughout this whole game. She was my strength and she spoke to me in a manner that was encouraging and for that I can rightly call her a dear sister and friend. I mean even sisters fight but that does not mean the end of their sisterhood.

Selma: Who's your favourite male housemate?
Paloma: I don't have a favourite housemate per se but I like Uti. I find him a little insane though but I love him. I find him to be a character.

Selma: And your favourite female housemate?
Paloma: Tatiana. I loved her in her first BBA season - I was a fan who voted for her to stay on and I still love her. She is a strongheaded girl.

Selma: Who do you think is going to win and why?
Paloma: I have no idea. All I can say is may the best man win.

Selma: Was it worth spending time in the barn?
Paloma: Yes it was it was definitely worth it. I have no regrets - I mean I got to know and grow closer to the housemates which I would not have done had the game ended for me back then when I got evicted out the house. Being in the barn was weird but cool - I mean we had barbecues and all. It was amazing.



06 Oct 2010 00:51

im glad she didnt dodge the Uti-love question.its a pity he wont even look at galz like her.her outsbursts when drunk were something else lol!Peter Manda's child with 7 servants,'Paloma tell me my child why you wana go back to that show?you can pick any car you want in the yard.

06 Oct 2010 01:08

she has a nice structure and not bad at all in the face. she must use her dad's money for lipo,ass reduction surgery.that body makes her look way older than she is.wonder how it made her feel when the otha galz were getting male attentiona nada for love to see their 3 storey house.

Meme J
06 Oct 2010 01:31

Hey Cngle! She's actually got a pretty face ... Btw, I kind of remember Itai having a bit of a thing for her in The Revolution!! I think she needs to believe in herself and not what she perceives as her father's, and possibly even society's, expectations of her ... I think she's conflicted because she feels she falls short.

06 Oct 2010 08:40

TJOOOO!! The questions n comments they had for this gal on FB dzaammm ppl cn be cruel. Mara Paloma u did say Tanzanite was cheap cz u had worked in a mine or yo dad owns a mine whatever it was& u did say *bleep!* was personal with u,Merly n Mwisho when they asked u abt da jacuzzi scenario u wuddnnt even invite them to Zam. Finally Mwisho ddnt push u in that Jacuzzi u thundered in tshh.

06 Oct 2010 09:06

Selma: Is there really a paint named after you in your native Zambia?
Paloma: Yes there is. My father owns a company that makes paint and he is the one that made the paint and named it after me about four years ago. The paint is brownish in colour. I have no idea why out of all my siblings my father only chose me to name a paint after. are her other siblings supposed to feel about this...

CNGL she has a nice structure and not bad at all in the face. she must use her dad's money for lipo,ass reduction surgery.that body makes her look way older than she is.wonder how it made her feel when the otha galz were getting male attentiona nada for love to see their 3 storey house.

There are loads of men who adore Paloma's body structure and find her ass sexy, it is us women who put too much emphasis on physical appearance and  the irony is that our men sometimes even cheat with the very same women we think are not attractive..there are many women bigger than Paloma in very loving relationships..and their men wouldn't even look twice at me..

06 Oct 2010 11:17

poshspice that is so true, there r men who love Paloma's structure bliv me, I'm a skinny -ass bitch and that's mainly bcos i hate food but I love Paloma's body

06 Oct 2010 11:24

Miss Psaloma

Since you were in the house when I got kicked out, I just want to know what your take is on what happened...

you give very PR correct answers... you would do well as a PR consultant.

I have so many questions for you espesh about your strategy change - your not smoking but limited drinking and preaching... your knowledge or relationship with Max (The Bic Mac) who almost exposed you or maybe he lied... and also the tension between you and our taxi boss Sibiya (Sammi)

but anywho! All the best!

06 Oct 2010 11:37

sego since u're back i need to vent out my frustration hope u'll understand, what is it with tha gals saying that Hanni hit Lerato when they xplain the situation 2 the guys

I was watching the movie My Sister's Keeper and saw how the husband pushed the wife so hard that she fell on the floor when she was trying to stop them from taking the child to the beach

Guys if u watch Mokgonyana Matswale (the pedi drama that plays on SABC 2 on Friday) what Hanni did 2 Lera is nothing, anyway i dnt want 2 open up any debate am just sad that things had to turn out this way, on the highlights they keep on playing that video and i don't c the hitting mayb i nid to hav more carotene

06 Oct 2010 12:30

maddie, I am still boycotting the show because of the double-standards and injustice

I am only commenting on interviews... I also want the people that are interviewing the farmers that were there when the fat beachball acted like an arsehole to ask them why they say what they are saying when they know for a fact that smelly did not hit her

Fluffy Head
06 Oct 2010 13:47

This ladyt believes her own lies!!!! I can't believe that she's still dillusional about the Mwisho issue. Haibo???

06 Oct 2010 23:44


Don't play God. So many people have begged you to come back including myself. You should at least take our feelings into consideration. You are being self-centered. Kindly put up a story for us to comment on.

07 Oct 2010 07:55

tjo Doroty LMAO.

Mwisho thing just kills me.

07 Oct 2010 10:54

Hey D7s... I seriously have not watched since Grace Jones (Hannington) got booted... so there isn't anything for me to write about... 

I will admit I miss the bloggers more than the show, but it would also be an injustice on my part to my readers to blog about the show when I am not watching it AT ALL... I don't watch 198... and as soon as meme J or someone sends me an sms when the 78stomach leaves I will switch on that channel and have something to say... 

For now, I humbly apologise if I hurt/offended/angered anyone but I seriously have to be true to myself and my beliefs so I refuse to watch or use my time to write about the show when that fanbelt (FBBOS) is still in there and making herself look like she was a bystander that got moer'd for just being pretty and a schmodel... NO, D7...

07 Oct 2010 11:29

Segololo, you know I understand your reasons for doing what you are doing.  As much as I loveD Lerato, I just can't believe that she would lie to the housemates about her involvement in the whole Hannington saga. She should have been disqualified immediately. She even went as far as trying to have her punishment lifted! Excuse me, she should thank her lucky stars that she's still in the "game". For once she should start practicing what she preaches - "Shame Satan by admitting that you were at fault for the whole incident." I would love to know what the ex housemates think if they've seen the video footage of the "fight".

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