E!'s Ryan Seacrest greeting the arrival of the egg.
Lady Gaga being an egg inside the egg, hardly visible but with sunglasses on.Lady Gaga's entourage talking to Ryan.
Entourage creative director to entourage schmodel: Hello supermodel.
Entourage schmodel: Hello, I'm NV, Lady Gaga's supermodel nurse.
Ryan Seacrest: Yes NV, of course.
Entourage schmodel: Lady Gaga is in creative embryonics and won't be warm until the performance this evening.
Ryan: So she's inside ... what would you call that?
Entourage schmodel: This a wooooohmb (womb), this a wooooooohmb and it was designed by *unpronouncable name*.
Ryan: So what's it made of?
Entourage creative director: She's incubating so she's been in there for a serious amount of time so we can't let you know what it's made of.
Entourage schmodel: Lady Gaga's heartbeat is 126 beats per minute so she's very excited to be here.
Ryan: Can she hear us?
Entourage schmodel: She can hear us.
Ryan: Lady Gaga, hello. congratulations on the release of your single, number 1 in 23 countries.
Entourage creative director: Is she dialating?
Ryan: Is it hot in there?
Entourage creative director: No, it's absolutely not hot, she can breathe. What's going to happen tonight is she's going to shift the world so the incubating process is not only necessary but it shows how committed she is to her performance.