Lady Gaga: an egg on the Grammy red carpet

Written by Tashi from the blog Tashi's TV on 14 Feb 2011
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Lady Gaga's arrival at the Grammy Awards in the early hours of this morning ....


Lady Gaga Grammy 1
E!'s Ryan Seacrest greeting the arrival of the egg.

Lady Gaga Grammy 2
Lady Gaga being an egg inside the egg, hardly visible but with sunglasses on.

Lady Gaga Grammy 20
Lady Gaga's entourage talking to Ryan.

Entourage creative director to entourage schmodel:
Hello supermodel.

Entourage schmodel: Hello, I'm NV, Lady Gaga's supermodel nurse.

Ryan Seacrest: Yes NV, of course.

Entourage schmodel: Lady Gaga is in creative embryonics and won't be warm until the performance this evening.

Ryan: So she's inside ... what would you call that?

Entourage schmodel: This a wooooohmb (womb), this a wooooooohmb and it was designed by *unpronouncable name*.

Ryan: So what's it made of?

Entourage creative director: She's incubating so she's been in there for a serious amount of time so we can't let you know what it's made of.

Entourage schmodel: Lady Gaga's heartbeat is 126 beats per minute so she's very excited to be here.

Ryan: Can she hear us?

Entourage schmodel: She can hear us.

Ryan: Lady Gaga, hello. congratulations on the release of your single, number 1 in 23 countries.

Entourage creative director: Is she dialating?

Ryan: Is it hot in there?

Entourage creative director: No, it's absolutely not hot, she can breathe. What's going to happen tonight is she's going to shift the world so the incubating process is not only necessary but it shows how committed she is to her performance.

What she looked like when she hatched:

Lady Gaga Grammy 4
Performing her single Born This Way during the ceremony.

Lady Gaga Grammy 5

Lady Gaga Grammy 6

Lady Gaga Grammy 9

Lady Gaga Grammy 7

Lady Gaga Grammy 8

Lady Gaga Grammy 10

Lady Gaga Grammy 11

Lady Gaga Grammy 12


14 Feb 2011 12:47

14 Feb 2011 12:50


Note To Chomee, Mshoza and others . DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME.

Next thing we will be seeing people coming out of Arthur's what-you-call... at the next ANC rally. hehehe

14 Feb 2011 13:07

Usile Carino Triple kwaaaaaaaaaaaaasssssss, they will do it, just watch. Kaloku SAfricans are copycats. If i were them i would never try. Phela this girl is skinny and thina we have African assets. What if???????iyooooooo hahahahahaha

Only Lady GAGA who can do this. I will never understand this girl and i  will never try.

14 Feb 2011 13:09

That ws just bizzare 4 me. But I luv her - so cool.

14 Feb 2011 13:15

Gosh i love this woman. She is an exceptional artist in our time.

And quite honestly, if i had the guts, i would dress up as wildly as her. I had the desire in me to do that and if i can just start (paint my hair red or something)...i will not stop.

14 Feb 2011 13:28

This lady soemone is very creative but PLEASE DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME Camagwini

sexy d
14 Feb 2011 13:29

@carino kwwwwaaaaa kwwwaaaaa i think i will start ke Khanyi Mbau wait until she gets a new sugar daddy or maybe she already has...

Lady gaga i love u gal.

14 Feb 2011 13:36

okay Gaga i know you capable of anything BUT this never crossed my
WOW! what an go gal!!!

14 Feb 2011 13:40

I'm starting to believe those hear and say that goes around claiming that Lady Gaga is satanism

14 Feb 2011 13:51

this is 1 innovative lady who's not afraid to try whats on her mind....thumbs up for not being scared of being u, UYABABA NJENGOPELEPELE

14 Feb 2011 14:17

Damn, this lady mara. M speechless.

14 Feb 2011 14:21

I'm sorry but this was a bit much for me. I'm all for theatricality and encourage non-conformity but Lady Gaga is fast running out of ideas. This is childish at best and serves no inspiration what-so-ever. The meat dress caused a lot of buzz because it had some meaning behind it. Theatricality is not just about shock factor, there should also be a meaning behind it hence it is called art. Art is not just Art for the sake of Art.

Enough now GAgA, go do your homework.  This is just silly and just for attention rather than ART which then means she is no better than Eminem calling his mother a whore just to sell records.

14 Feb 2011 14:33

me too lost for words.....

14 Feb 2011 14:48

*whistles*...Blaque..thats haaaaarsh:( on behalf of the Gaga crazy outfits fans. Makes sense from the definition of art perspective though...

To be quite honest, i couldnt relate to that meat explanation that she gave to i actually dont think i have the patience to understand the uncubation bla bla reasoning for the egg. I just admire how she can just go outrageous when she feels like it. I wanna be able to do that, for this crazy things that i feel inside of me that my conservativeness wont allow me to express so far....whether anyone understands me or not. I defs wouldnt be doing it as an art display.....

14 Feb 2011 14:51

i love Nicki Minaj but i think she is trying too much to be lady gaga..well only interms of izimpahla

14 Feb 2011 14:53

That's where the problem is, G.A. Lady Gaga has said on numerous times that she does what she does for Art and not for shock value. So I am calling her out on her own words here.

14 Feb 2011 14:57

I hear u blaque..she must so maar come out and say she does the outfits coz they tickle HER fancy....nothing smart.

14 Feb 2011 15:27

Lady Gaga amazing

14 Feb 2011 15:33

@blaqueboi and GA

I think the egg thing is in relation to her new song "Born this way" -

14 Feb 2011 15:33


14 Feb 2011 15:44

wow hey @ least we have something to look forward to during the awards

14 Feb 2011 15:52

Sorry for being out of  topic but i really need to share this joke with u guys!!

Ena ke HIT!!!

Monna le mosadi wa gagwe ba dumalana gore ga ba batla thobalano ba tla
e bitsa "PHONE CALL"....

Tsatsi lengwe monna o roma ngwana gore a bolelle mmagwe gore o batla go
dira "PHONE CALL" na?

Mosadi: "Bolelela rrago gore network ga eo!"

Monna: "Bolelela mmago gore ga network e seyo - ke tla ikela ko public

Mosadi: "Bolelela rrago gore a tle aye koo tlile go bula
call centre mo lapeng

14 Feb 2011 16:05

Maddie...Born this way, what a tight track btw. makes sense you are ryt. BUT I read/listened to the lyrics and read what the spokespersn says and i think the egg as an expression of the song is still extremely outragous so that it the concepts disconnect, ...from were i stand. But i still love the outrageous part, even if it had inspite of the song.

She really is taking the baton from madonna and cher isnt she...i wonder what they think of her. especially with the gay/lesbian advocacy. 
Plus..She is a brilliant artist, and if she writes her own music then she is even more of a genius...hard to hate on her craft.

14 Feb 2011 16:07

pardon the typos...i have given up on my fingers dyslexia....

14 Feb 2011 20:16

titidi i also think she is 100% satanic .. she is said to be an illuminati puppet i dont like her at alk

14 Feb 2011 20:17

im her fan but im kinda enuf of her attention seeking stunts and had been listening to Adam Lambert instead.she puts too much pressure on herself we want records from her not rupturing wombs

15 Feb 2011 07:48

we cannot all be the same,someone has to be different,and being different doesnt mean you are into satanism or anything that involves the dark means you have a unique way of doing things,what i may refer to as weird might be the most normal thing to someone else,human beings are afraid of change but its sometimes cool to live out of the box,entertainment is like culture so its dynamic,lets just embrace these new ways of entertainment and keep up with the times.if what we call bushmen in africa walk around wearing bits and pieces of leather we call it "tourist attraction" and if gaga wears a wet t-shirt or a meat dress then its "satanic"!eish ga ke tlhaloganye waitse!

15 Feb 2011 08:18

@M2D TL TLTL tourits attraction and satanic = good poitn

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