Sometimes it seems like the more you try so hard to get something,makes everything just worse... Since I was young my mom always told me about "waiting for the right time" and I did not understand it at first,and trust me I hated it.. But then I saw that you can't just do anything at any time,you have to wait for that right time,. Consider this, life is like a board game,every step you take counts and you got to know when to roll the dice... Always know when to take a step and mostly you know when to stop... Never force anything to happen,but just wait for the right bird to shoot. In life you must know who to trust,don't just go with everybody because they promise you money and gold. No matter how desperate you are,just learn "to wait for the right time".. And always love and care for yourself. Stay prosperous! And stay safe.
-- get me on twitter. @iiAm_ePic_tEe
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