Bonang, Euphonik sharpen knives for court

Written by makisto from the blog Frankly Speaking on 13 Jul 2012
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Accusations and counter accusations are flying between Bonang and her ex-boyfriend DJ Euphonik ahead of their 24 July court appearance. Bonang pressed charges in May against her ex-man Euphonik alleging he assaulted her and destroyed her phone and laptop. Sunday tabloids allege Euphonik broke into Bonang’s house in Hyde Park where he allegedly gave her a hiding.

heat july 19drum 19 july 

The matter has since escalated and the popular 5FM DJ – Euphonik – real name Themba Nkosi, has had his first day in court.

The tabloids have alleged that Euphonik beat up Bonang after the pair had a lover’s tiff and upon her departing his place, she refused to close the gate, allegedly prompting Euphonik to reach the end of his tether.

Fast forward to July 13, Bonang and Euphonik are sharpening their knives for a major court showdown. Euphonik will be appearing again at the Randburg Magistrate Court on 24 July where he will be answering charges of domestic violence or assault charges, whichever term makes you happy. 

On Friday 13 July, popular tabloid magazines heat and Drum ran the same cover story giving interesting details about the showdown between the two media personalities. Bonang, who presents popular music show Live on SABC1 on Friday nights, is most arguably a model media darling that South Africa has ever seen. Just a side note, we appreciate the magazines being distributed on Fridays so boring Sunday tabloids can now pull up their socks.

Abortion allegations have been levelled against Bonang by sources known to Drum. The magazine claims it has in its possession “proof” that a lady fitting Bonang’s description in every way possible, had an abortion at a private Rosebank hospital “on 28 March” [2011], the same month she posed in sexy lingerie for the popular FHM magazine, (19 July 2012, Drum, page 10 and 11).

However, Bonang’s publicist has dismissed the allegations as very convenient and a smear campaign against Bonang in light of her alleged assault. Drum tried to get Bonang to state her side of the story on this abortion saga. “None of these allegations you are enquiring about are correct,” her manager told Drum.

Bonang reportedly has pictures of her bruises and is set to present them as evidence in a court of law. 


In her court papers due to be presented in court on 24 July, is a text message Euphonik allegedly sent to Bonang. “I’m sorry when this thing escalates from a personal matter to a brand matter being on your side is not in my interests you and your family have made this a war and if and when it taints my brand im not going to stop until the truth gets out so maybe hire a hit man to take me out because it’s going to get real.” Reads the text as seen in Drum of 19 July.

heat magazine claims Bonang has a lot of eye witnesses to the alleged assault who are due to testify in court.

Euphonik however, claims the allegations against him by his ex-girlfriend are not true. Says heat magazine: “So far, we’ve seen no concrete proof from him [Euphonik] or his legal team that Bonang’s claims are false, but that has not stopped the 5FM DJ [from] putting up a fight. Euphonik is adamant that Bonang is a ‘psycho who needs help’, and reportedly claims that she cut her wrists in order to get his attention.” heat, 19 July, page 7. 

heat mag

Euphonik’s manager, who is none other than the queen of gossip herself as she is former editor-in-chief of heat, Melinda Shaw, who is now Euphonik’s manager, insists her client is innocent and told heat magazine exactly where to get off. “He is sticking to his story – he is innocent. The rest of these claims are speculation. He will defend himself through the right forum, and that is the legal justice system,” she told heat.

This is a most interesting issue to have come out of the South African entertainment industry in recent years. If, and only if, it turns out to be true that Euphonik did indeed assault Bonang as per the allegations, it will be very regrettable.

Having said that, the matter is very interesting as this can form part of a major dissertation as to how the whole issue is being handled in the media. It ties in neatly with my dissertation topic titled: One step forward, ten steps backwards, ethical issues surrounding celebrity news reporting in South African print media. 

drum super man

If, and only if, Euphonik gets acquitted and if his psychotic claims against Bonang are proven beyond a reasonable doubt that she is indeed psychotic, this will bring a whole new paradigm in the administration of justice in South Africa as most people can tell, the law tends to be sided towards the female side.

In all of these accusations and counter-accusations, we as the prying and gossiping ordinary people are looking for the truth and hope justice will be done.

If, and only if, Euphonik is found guilty, I shall repeat myself. Real men beat HIV and Aids, not women. Women abuse has got no place in our society and as such cannot be tolerated.

In my humble opinion, Euphonik and Bonang never made a good couple as he looked just like any other guy. Perhaps after the law has run its course, Bonang and I should be together, and I insist I am referring to the law of attraction.

In his defence: Allegations are not true' - Euphonik


13 Jul 2012 17:04

The General
13 Jul 2012 18:07

Lol the law of attraction

13 Jul 2012 20:40

yes Maki ...
You ...
and her ...
You'd kick her out by the middle of the 1st night ...
and you know it !

You know a psycho when you see one right ...

Look again

and then Look Again !

14 Jul 2012 13:08

she could be a psycho this girl, she's always hype like she's smoking somethng. Euphonik vela naye akho msulwa he looks like the jealous type, umona can drive a person to do that.Beat a women.

babalwa kotana
14 Jul 2012 19:05

any thing is possiple with bonang...she could be a psycho... ngubani owaziyo

14 Jul 2012 19:20

Tjo nina bandla. No man VusiK, I got mad love for Bonang mina.

14 Jul 2012 21:15

Eish Maki ...

I'm a seasoned veteran on psycho women .

... and this woman ... ngiyakutshela !

14 Jul 2012 22:17

any woman who calls indoda yakhe superman has psycho tendencies lol

15 Jul 2012 16:17

pyscho or not i believe her shem.unebhadi emadodeni uBonang qha ke.the abortion stories have circulated since Slikour days ngebesebehamba icreche nabobantwana ngoku.

15 Jul 2012 16:19

pyscho or not i believe her shem.unebhadi emadodeni uBonang qha ke.the abortion stories have circulated since Slikour days ngebesebehamba icreche nabobantwana ngoku.

Assumpta lisa
15 Jul 2012 16:50

I think Euphonik shoud admit what he has done.A man who does something like that is not a rolmodel at all.

15 Jul 2012 17:57

lol @ Cingle.
I believe she was beaten up ... but she still has all the psycho icons about her...
Maki can have her ... I'll pass .

16 Jul 2012 08:08

Hu cares she ntthe 1st to have abortion or be beaten up,... otla go TLHATLHAMOLOLA Euhponik

16 Jul 2012 08:13

Bathong that's very mean hle! *hides*

16 Jul 2012 08:17

My take on it... Euphonok has always beaten up uBonang and finally, when she eventually felt defeated and desperate, her psycho-instincts kicked in and she took their dirty laundry to the street(media) and now things are getting prickly for both parties!!! Anyway, which mother advises her daughter to get a protection order against an abusive boyfriend? My mother would tell me to run and never look back!

16 Jul 2012 08:51

i do not wish to be a celebrity!!

so what if Bonang had an abortion? Jeessses!!! well they asked for it, they might as well enjoy the fun that comes with it. I feel sorry for them shame

16 Jul 2012 08:55

lol if a lady calls her man superman then she is psycho? lol that means i am a psycho, i am the biggest of them all, I call my boyfriend that all the time, since we started dating. Lol he really is my superman, always there when i need help and just making life easy for mna. That is why i call him my own superman! i will not stop calling him that for as long as he does whar he does, so here i am.
My name is Bomi. (Hi Bomi). I am a psycho.

16 Jul 2012 08:59

abortion has nothing to do with this case

16 Jul 2012 09:29

Yes ... Abortions have nothing to with this case ... as far as we are concerned.

Abortions may have a lot to do with the two of them (between them) ... because Abortions are subjective.

16 Jul 2012 09:29

lol @Cnglemother

Let them entertain us its the price of fame they should have signed a confidentiality agreement

16 Jul 2012 09:45

So what if she did an abortion, its her demacratic right and I'm in the health sector, nurses are overwhelmed by an increasing number of abortions taking place, so if she did it, it is not unique to her at all,  but foreigners who run away from their countries because of tight abortion laws are abusing our system...

@VusiK  Judith Sephuma- you called names and said she is sferb vele during her much publicised marital problems

Zanele Mbokazi- you said the same thing, implying the allegation of her sleeping her way up and to tenders  are true ....

Now Bonang, a psycho 

an I remember some celeb you accused of snubbing you when you were trying to shela her and you were saying not so nice things about her saying she is not that beautiful (was it Terry Pheto?)

what is your story kahle kahle?  

(I hope this post doesnt tripple we go clicking carefully)

16 Jul 2012 09:45

So what if she did an abortion, its her demacratic right and I'm in the health sector, nurses are overwhelmed by an increasing number of abortions taking place, so if she did it, it is not unique to her at all,  but foreigners who run away from their countries because of tight abortion laws are abusing our system...

@VusiK  Judith Sephuma- you called names and said she is sferb vele during her much publicised marital problems

Zanele Mbokazi- you said the same thing, implying the allegation of her sleeping her way up and to tenders  are true ....

Now Bonang, a psycho 

an I remember some celeb you accused of snubbing you when you were trying to shela her and you were saying not so nice things about her saying she is not that beautiful (was it Terry Pheto?)

what is your story kahle kahle?  

(I hope this post doesnt tripple we go clicking carefully)

16 Jul 2012 09:45

So what if she did an abortion, its her demacratic right and I'm in the health sector, nurses are overwhelmed by an increasing number of abortions taking place, so if she did it, it is not unique to her at all,  but foreigners who run away from their countries because of tight abortion laws are abusing our system...

@VusiK  Judith Sephuma- you called names and said she is sferb vele during her much publicised marital problems

Zanele Mbokazi- you said the same thing, implying the allegation of her sleeping her way up and to tenders  are true ....

Now Bonang, a psycho 

an I remember some celeb you accused of snubbing you when you were trying to shela her and you were saying not so nice things about her saying she is not that beautiful (was it Terry Pheto?)

what is your story kahle kahle?  

(I hope this post doesnt tripple we go clicking carefully)

16 Jul 2012 09:46

ohh noooo, don't why it does it my laptop?

16 Jul 2012 09:46

ohh noooo, don't why it does it my laptop?

16 Jul 2012 09:46

ohh noooo, don't why it does it my laptop?

16 Jul 2012 10:01

Is he angry that she aborted his child becos I dont see the relevance of those details to his assault charge ? In any case Joelle also allegedly had an abortion but she's still around isn't she don't think that would taint Bonang's image that much too

16 Jul 2012 10:30

It is your keyboard Posh ... take an old toothbrush ... brush under the keys and blow the dirt out ... and floss it while your'e at it.

16 Jul 2012 10:34

@Posh ...

I said that bout Judith Before people found out.
I said that about Zanele Before people found out.

I am sayng what I see about this woman Before the side of he psycho tendencies are in the public doman ...

Yes ...

I am saying that I see Psycho in this woman before it all topples from her pretty closet.

16 Jul 2012 10:35

I have no problems or issues with Terry ...
I met her once
She mistook me for a fan .. I am not anyone's fan ... that is what I said about that encounter.

16 Jul 2012 10:40

LOL @ ladies who call their men 'superman' being crazy...*sits proudly next to my fellow psycho Bommy*...LOL we even have matching superman tshirts which my superman had made, tltltlt *falls of chair*, @Maddie o tlo swaba serias, I hope ur lil one is doing well, healthy and energetic and and and :)

16 Jul 2012 10:42

Hayi tabloids...

DRUM actually publicise the medical records like that!

Euphonik...if he really did assault this woman, then justice must be served. Drum reports that he assaulted her after finding out that she terminated (without his consent). Does that mean he ddnt knw abt the what they dont tell.

In any case i think it was stupid of whoever devulged such private info wrt the abortion. No matter how couples part...wht happened in their happy days should remain privately there!

16 Jul 2012 10:44

hahahahahahahaha Green arrow, i even dedicated that Superman song for him, you know the house one "will you be my superman" blackcoffee i think! it reminded me of him every time it played! he is my superman for real!

16 Jul 2012 10:45

Not anyone's fan Mr.

16 Jul 2012 10:54

I'm an expert at psycho women ...
I have dated, married, and been with some of the best.
I have the scars to prove it.
I can recognise them ...
from a distance ,

16 Jul 2012 11:16

@Bommy, I've never paid attention to that superman song,.that's sweet:), I'm a fan of the superman comic, and all franchises. He met me with superman 'signs' as my screen saver everywhere, I was just embarrased to paste it all over my wall, what with Optimus Prime oready on one wall :$ he embarked on being my real superman shem, wa zama. If he ever hit me, or left, ill always have Clark Kal-Al Kent...:D.

16 Jul 2012 11:19

@Vuss, nna one person I've seeen from a mile gore she is psycho ke Nonhle Thema, ka nako eo I ddnt have dstv so I wasn't aquanted with her screen work, wasn't a fan nor a 'hater', just from short inteviews, I just read 'fake fake fake, psycho psycho psycho'.....and boy did she expose herself..pitiful.

16 Jul 2012 11:26

@GA ... Yes ... saw that one from the other end of the planet.

I recall before her tween thing happened, I said .. "Something wrong with this one"

and early when her tweet drama started ...
I wrote "This is not how a person with success and money behaves"

BTW ... "Me" time is coming along fine ...
Going to Dubai November / December to speak to a kick-Ass Architect about a very large boat ...
one day, I'll be living at sea without any plans to see shore again ...
I'm liking where I'm headed.

16 Jul 2012 11:40

I think anyone in SA who thinks they are a celebrity is psycho

16 Jul 2012 11:41

Me likey tooo much Vuss *big smile*,I'm very glad and Nov/Dec is still far u have plenty of rest time still:). Question: when u plunge back in Nov/dec, will u do things differently this time. Or are u still gonna go in knee deep in your work? Re: Nonhle, I remember particulalry spotting 'fake humility' in her, she was often lamented for being humble and I refused!. LOL @ 'something wrong with this one'

16 Jul 2012 12:31

@Mangqezu ....
Sooooooo True ... almost as delusional as the opinion that being famous and in showbiz is being successful.

@GA ... December is not as far as one may think.

Methinks my workload will still be too high, but it will be reduced to between 30% and 40% of what it was before.

I'm only getting back to it in January when I go replace the board that fired me.

My understudy is ready to take over most of the non-financial stuff from me, so most of the developmental enterprises will be his to run.
My sister's former husband is understudying him.

I have an excellent friend who has agreed to take over as CE of Commodities, Wholesale & retail of everything we do.

I have a great friend who will be taking distribution, shipping, freight & logistics CE overI have several nephews and nieces who agreed to return to school and understudy these guys for when we retire or die.

The finance part is too tricky to just hand over to anyone ... I'm looking within our ranks for the best person to understudy me ... so far ... no-one is even capable of wrapping their heads around everything I do.

But .. even with shedding 60% or so of my workload to others, We think I'll reduce my workday by only 2 hours because of the new work Africa will be creating in our push into the continent.

But the little bit will be most welcome, A 14/15 hour workday is most attractive to me.

16 Jul 2012 12:50

I think anyone in SA who thinks they are a celebrity is psychoAMEN Mangqezu

LOL Cinglemum hahahaha u had me giggle there my friendo!!!!!

I must say hayi kunzim uba yi celeb shame. Whatever one does end up in the newspaper. Maar nna guys i have a problem....Some celeb hide their relationship when things are still hot and stimmy but when things get ugly they run to media to expose their betterhalf dirty laundries. Hayi maan its not ON!!!!! Yes i do enjoy reading the dirty news but really now!!!!!!! 

Mna i do listen to them when they say in interviews " I rather not discuss about my personal life...." but once it hits the nail we hear nyhweeeeeeee this nyhweeeeeeeee that. 

Hayi maan this must stop. 
Your superwoman

16 Jul 2012 12:58

Re: Nonhle, I remember particulalry spotting 'fake humility' in her, she was often lamented for being humble and I refused!. LOL @ 'something wrong with this one' 
@GA hey doll i still remember admiring Nonhle thinking she is all that kanti yi past tense. I think you and Vusi should write an article about psychos since you have  special eyes to help people like us on how to spot a psychopath from a distance.

16 Jul 2012 13:00

Your superwoman

They better believe this !!!

Siyabazi o'Superwoman bangempela !

16 Jul 2012 13:09

speaking of nonhle she can even win best psycho award if not beaten by Khanyi mbau 

Nonhle and her bf  Young Nucho they can win the best psycho couple

16 Jul 2012 13:19

Minus 2 hours. Leaving you with 14/15 hour work day. I guess its better than where you were prior to the break. Hm! And here I was reading think u enlisted a pretty big team, do you need more people maybe to reduce the work hours a bit more? what will it take for the workday hours to be reduced to less than 4 days working day4? Do you want that? Is Warren Bufet still working to this days?

16 Jul 2012 13:24

lol @ 'fake humility'

Captain Planet Mangqezu

16 Jul 2012 13:27

Anyone ever read a novel called 'One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest' that's how I describe SA celebs

16 Jul 2012 13:32

speaking of nonhle she can even win best psycho award if not beaten by Khanyi mbau

Awa hle, give Mbau a break, she has grown up a lot, have you seen her lately?

16 Jul 2012 13:35

Warren is still very much working hard.

His understudy & heir designate for his seat fumbled and dropped the ball before he even came onto the field... so he has no-one at this point to take his place ... I do not envy all the doubt going through his reality.

Such are the dangers of this kind of work. I do not have anyone other than these people whose ethics are beyond scrutiny.

Who one elects to take their legacy further is a rather sensitive exercise to undertake because one seldom knows how people handle power once they have it.

People are very different prior to being in power & control in relation to after they gain it.I had to radically change my thinking after my son died because He was the one who would be raised to replace me completely ... so I am handing over control to those I know can handle it, and whose character I have witnessed throughout these years .... Trust & Ethics happen to be everything in what we do.

The biggest trait of them is the ability to say "I don't know", seek the knowledge, apply it .... and would rather pick up the phone and say "Vusi ... I have a problem I cannot wrap my head around"

Besides ... These men happen to have been there with me through the thin days ... Loyal without question ... even during the three years when we lived on savings ... unable to draw salaries . In my opinion ... None are careerists ... They are well developed loyalists.

16 Jul 2012 13:41

Awa hle, give Mbau a break, she has grown up a lot, have you seen her lately?

Clothes don't make the man ...
She may look grown & demure ...

Didn't Mbau just fake a pregnant story recently to get her man's undivided attention?

Hmmmm ....
How does one bank on someone who cheats his contracts and fails to pay his obligations ....

She's still psycho ... seeing only what one wants to see is somewhat psycho.Psychos seldom change ...

For instance ...
I'm a work & business psycho / fanatic
and an ethics fanatic also

I'm never going to change.

16 Jul 2012 14:24

You have a very good team I guess then, however few. I asked about Warren Buffet as an example of many, because I'm wondering if you are like that kind of business people (if warren is one of them, I suspect) who derive pleasure in working. And I suppose this are the kind of people whose 'work' is an investment in their legacies. Are you that kind, 15 hours is not for the faint hearted. Is your oldest son not interested in the business?

16 Jul 2012 14:37

I built my business on the same principle he did ... so yes, I am like him.

Buy & invest in excellent stock to hold and own.
Buy excellent under-performers, fix them & build them into brilliant business
Trust those you put in positions of authority and interfere as little as possible in their operations.
The nearest example of this ethic in South Africa (that is well known) is Brian Joffee.

None of my children are candidates
None of my children have what it takes ... I did not raise them from scratch.
None of my children are interested in working with / for me ... they're waiting for me to die and inherit ....

Boy are they in for a HUGE suprise there !

I'm going to have at least two more children (most prob via a surrogate / egg donor type arrangement) who will not have mothers per se' ... who will have my undivided developmental attention.
They will inherit everything should they display the acumen & aptitude necessary to succeed me.
Should that fail ... the entities I have set up in benefit of my grandchildren and their heir will inherit the business and write stipends to everyone else.

The one thing I always emhasise to my children is that I will not leave wealth to the undeserving and to strangers ...

They do not believe me because their mothers raised them to believe they'll inherit based solely on birthright.


16 Jul 2012 14:45

u sound like Bill Gates @VusiK who is not going to leave much of his wealth to his kids

I am fighting to put a silver spoon in my daughter's mouth right now as she was not born with one lol whatever she decides to do with it is up to her or maybe its becos she's still a sweet toddler .........if she grows up to prove otherwise I'll disown her in instant

16 Jul 2012 14:57

if she grows up to prove otherwise I'll disown her in instant

That is also my philosophy ... There is nothing worse than a child who grows to be unappreciative of the sacrifices a parent makes for them.
I have already disowned one of my children ... He is 23 and I mourn his existence ... for the potential he holds, he is evolving into a waste of humanity and greatness (because of all my older children ... he does have the spark).

I am nothing like Bill Gates, and
I am not a philanthropist, and
I did not grow up with feeding off silver spoon.

I started young ... made many mistakes, still make mistakes, will make more mistakes ... I just keep growing, evolving and moving forward.

The only difference I have ever detected between me and many is the willingness to make enormous sacrifices and the absence of the fear of loss.
When I do lose ... which happens very often ... we dust ourselves ff, heal the wounds, and jump into the fight again... each and every time.

16 Jul 2012 15:14

I dont understand what a woman's character has do to do with her being abused. Pyscho, prostitute, druggie or whatever the case might be does not warrant another person male/female to beat them or abuse them. We will not be able to address women/men and child abuse in this country as long as we still align it to a person's personality. The bottom line is that euphonik beat her and she filed for a protection order regardless of whether she is psycho or mentally unstable. This should not be a matter of dicussion, is like we tolerate abuse if it received by a certain persona. There was no need for all this dirt to be aired to discredit her, the attorney's representing Euphonik has not checked the latest rulings when it comes to abuse. Discrediting a women in abuse cases id irrelevant to the case, the presiding officer wants to know whether you physically assualted the person or not. Abuse of any kind, mentally, emtionally, physically or financially should not be tolerated in our society for all humna beings male and female alike.

16 Jul 2012 15:16

16 Jul 2012 15:17

16 Jul 2012 15:21


What do you advocate this particularly lawless and violent society address the issue Veron?

Screaming like you are does not say anything.

I happen to detest economists ... They always scream of and present problems and not solutions.

You wish to say something about abuse ... Don't tel us the obvious ... Teach us what when do not know, need to know, and need to do.

This woman is not my woman ... I should not care.
I know not to beat on anyone. It does not change that she was beaten.
What is it that this woman, and this man need to understand about themselves .. and their place in the Universe for us not to have to deal with their crap in our tabloids?

Coming with sound & text bites that have already been mentioned is not presenting or suggesting a solution ...

Please come with a solution .. not a slogan or a chant.

16 Jul 2012 15:22

@VusiK - how does one become a 'candidate'. I am young twenty something to be exact and I am not one of the  "get rich quickly"  type as many youths of today seem to be like. I believe in education both academic and learning from mentors etc. because I know if I make quick money today and dont know how to keep it or make more, when it goes, it wont come back - i would rather learn how to do things and sustain myself. Do advise. Thanks

16 Jul 2012 15:27

What about energy Vuss. You currently fell under the spell of emotional exhaustion at most, but I doubt if it slowed down your mental capacity to the same extent. You still have your fingers somewhat on the pulse of your business, you must. And you are currently supposed to be resting. On your good days, do you get tired of investing so much of you in business. Do you ever get tired like most 'employees' and just want to leave it, and rest, indefinitely?

16 Jul 2012 15:30

@Linzm ...
IT takes the same stuff as it would take with any other business ...
1. Develop a set of skills ... preferably within your passion zone ... this creates the foundation for excellence.
2. Develop intensely strong ethics.
3. Understand your carreer, ambition and the path you wish to travel
4. Have a very clear understanding of your limitations.
5. develop an intense sense of loyalty... there is no room for opportunists & job hoppers in organizations like ours.
6. Be prepared to have a not-so-awesome social life
7. Be family oriented ... we all treasure family, even / especially those of us who failed the exercise.
8. Be prepared to make sacrifices.
9. Be responsible for your actions, and be prepared to account for them ... there is zero room for brown nosers
10. Be prepared to learn
11. Be open to ideas and paradigm shifts
12. Be prepared to study for most of your life.
13. Be a dynamic thinker ... lateralists seldom go vertical.
14. Be highly consistent in performance and delivery
15. Be natural ... The real person tends to emerge sooner or later when one puts up a facade for immediate gain ... often ... when this happens .. the subsequent losses outweigh the gains

16 Jul 2012 15:48

@Ga ... I am still "Out of energy and exhausted"

The loss of my son took everything away from me ... I have little or no desire to work.

I check on the business ... my team is competent and highly skilled, but my state would be very bad for the business if It was any other business. They consult on matters regularly, but not to the extent they wish because I now have volcanic temper flare-ups... happens when they seem to require coddling and my position is ... "This is your division ... your'e the boss ... BE THE BOSS!!!" ... but we have awesome synergy, so they don't take me biting heads off personally... and their wives are their anchors ... no matter how upset my guys get with me ... their wives centre them again... otherwise, I'd lose some awesome talent.

I feel tired now ... but I have never been tired of 18-20 hour days is about 25 years. I also never thought of vacation as time from work ... My work & business has always been all of my life and existence, so having to pull away from it is not only a shock to those I work with ... but it is quite a shock to me.

But remaining in the chair during times of great stress would hurt the business ... I have to take time off and heal.

My biggest gamble was my ambitions in/on my son ... My entire future 7 legacy was dependent on who I would encourage / develop & raise him to be ... when he died ... I died for all practical purposes because most of everything surrounding me is purely mechanical.

I can do everything I am doing right now .. especially regarding to the minor adjustment the enterprise require in my sleep ... so that is only contributing to killing me further ...

I desperately need the challenges ... but the spirit fails to allow the body to take the step... So I rest, until nature hits that reset button for me.

16 Jul 2012 15:52

Drum is being taken on for publishing a cover story on this issue and quoting Bonang without having interviewed the things people do for sales lol

I like your pointers VusiK

Your number 7.this I've seen in action at our head office finance dep no matter what these people leave at 4.30pm to go pick their kids from school and they will not budge on that even the CFO knows that , its become the culture cos most instances we tend to sacrifice family time for everything else

I rmb one of my former GMs liked to say there's enough hrs in a day to do all the work you need to 8hrs is a lot but most of us spend it on non related work stuff from your non work related emails, personal phone calls, tea breaks, passage chats it all adds up and before you know it you feel the day wasn't enough.

16 Jul 2012 15:54

@linzm ...

We are going to be doing be doing some things never seen in Africa start late next year, so ....

Africa will never be the same after we start ...

But be aware if you wish to nail your colour to our mast ... There is a zero tolerance policy toward opportunism and in our shop, and we do not compromise on ethics!

But frankly ... without a solid base in skills & education that one can grow on ... the upward curve becomes tedious .. unless one is an exceptional natural talent that can be recognised, enhanced, and developed further ... the sad reality of life is that there are very few of these kind of people ...

I'd give a lot to / for some raw talent that comes without ego.

16 Jul 2012 15:58


I totally agree with all the points above - i have grown to understand where mypassion/ unique skills lie, my capabilities as well as my  weaknesses. I am the type that sits at home with books on hand on a Saturday night so there isnt much of a social life to worry about and of course responsibility for actions - that is really key not just on the business front but in all areas of life.

16 Jul 2012 16:03

@Mangqezu ... we have highly equipped child care centres at all our HQs (on site ... just away from the main building with incredible staff and security) ... so baby can go to work also ... and down time at the baby centre is encouraged.

I think we'd fire any HR or team leader for interfering with the family responsibilities of any staffer.

But all or staffers have no objection to working odd & late hours, nor to being woken at 3 in the morning on work related matters ... and their spouses tend to be understanding ... There has to be a reason ...

The downside is generally that we are less competitive regarding remuneration, however, we have a ballistic workplace & workforce satisfaction ... which will be very tested here ...

This country is a minefield ...
from corruption / lack of ethics ... l
abour hostility ...
employee impatience ...
Unrealistic payscales, etc,
Hostile labour laws, and of course ...
disorganized, and overly militant populist Labour Unions.

I prefer to run a non-Union shop ... we will see how I  do in this environment
when we land.

16 Jul 2012 16:05

Drum is being taken on for publishing a cover story on this issue and quoting Bonang without having interviewed the things people do for sales lol

Ethics in Journalism in South Africa hardly exist ... be it tabloid or broadsheet ... it is a sad state of affairs.

16 Jul 2012 16:09

I love the points you gave to @Linzim. Re: your exhaustion, and how it links in to your son, I understand.

16 Jul 2012 16:10

Then look no further cos I'm your Superwoman @VusiK where raw talent is concerned lmao

@linzm its good that you are young and focused but you need to find the right worklife / social life balance. 
You cannot drown your self in work all your life you dont want to look back 30 yrs down the line and have all the successes you've ever wished for but you are alone. Unfortunately in life in most cases when only one area of your life excels there's usually something or more than one thing that you are also neglecting. You cannot be eg myself Mangqezu the CA and that's it there's other bits to you outside of work that you also need to nurture. Work hard when you need to but also play hard and enjoy your youth responsibly of course.

16 Jul 2012 16:21

I've been alone most of my life .. in greater form than not ... Most of which circumstance being my fault ... my commitment to the business was fanatical.
Is it the price one pays for super-specialization and expanding generalization. I sometimes have regrets ...
it would be unnatural not to wonder if alternatives would be better.But I am chasing 50 now ... there is very little youth I can chase ...
But ...
I was an adrenaline junkie until I had to take life & the future dead-serious ... which happened to coincide with my starting these enterprises.I have still done more adrenaline related activities than most people I've ever met ... I understand my limitations now ...
Superman died when I was 25

16 Jul 2012 16:21

@Vusik - 1 Bcom, 1 National Diploma, 1 Group Diploma,busy registering for an MBA with a Scottish Uni for 2013, it should be accomplished by the time i hit the big 30 in a few years! I dont believe in handouts and have never had a silver spoon so I am all for challenges!

16 Jul 2012 16:30

Sounds like you have a plan ...
Let's talk ...
The type of concentration & field of study is only important from the Masters degree phase forward. Make your choices well ...

16 Jul 2012 16:41

@Vusik - i am thinking of MBA with a specialism in Strategic Planning - in my current line of work you always have to look at the bigger picture, the dollars and cents that come into the company (bus. dvpt) so strategic planning will definitely mould me towards the path i want to go as its not only about bringing the money in but channeling it to the right areas and this is done through careful planning, being able to make projections way into the future -  implementation is just ascrucial as many times managers/directors dedicate all their energy to planning and don't make sure these dreams become a reality which can also result in failure even though a company had excellent goals to start with.

16 Jul 2012 16:47

But Evolution is the single most important part of sucess in the times we live in.

If a person is of the impression that the Bachelors of anything qualification is the requirement for success ... that person is not only short-changing themselves ... they are in regression on an evolutionary scale.

Masters Degrees are now becoming the minimum criteria . All the bachelors qualification means now is that you have the ability to learn ... the masters suggests you have the means to apply that knowledge ...

that is the pond we fish in.

We tend not to look at doctorates unless they evolve within our ecosystem ... alternatively only when they have developed intellectual capital we see as valuable... Can't teach strong and developed bones to bend ...
which is why there are tens of thousands of PhDs homeless, alcoholics, junkies and mad all over the planet.
We simply don't want them ... they often fail to adjust and fit into our ecosystem... synergies with your target work environment is extremely important.

Nothing worse than being called in to hear the "we're just not working out" talk .

16 Jul 2012 16:55

Financial structuring, strategic planning, and forecasting is an excellent field of study ... If you wish to absolutely write your own check ... throw in some actuaral sciences to absolutely lock it down ... But do not tinker with actuaral sciences if you are not statistically inclined ... it is a nightmare under those situations.

16 Jul 2012 16:58

LOL @phd woes Vuss. ..... @linzm, all the best:).

16 Jul 2012 17:03

If you come with the Masters in Structural Finance & forecast ... you'll work on the same floor as me ... and you will be one of the few people ever to see me work up close and personal ... which I heard is an insanely fast space to work in ... but you will gain more experience on how the world really works and is run each month than most learn in a year.

Most people who work on my floor seldom stay very long ... If you last three years on my floor ... I'll give you huge comps ... You'd really be an incredibly talented driven person to survive my floor two years.

Most elect to go be senior VPs in division.

I am very quiet, very silent ... but the work I delegate is assigned tightly and the person gets to witness it working in the real world ... with their total involvement ... which is terrifying for many people because most people in corporate suites are analysts and disconnected ... and cannot associate their thoughts with the consequence and results.

... so ...My floor is a dangerous stress environment ... but worth it if you intend to be the best, it takes special people to survive it.

16 Jul 2012 17:06

PhDs are a pain the Ass !
They have very little to learn ... Intransegence is a common affliction when one is the quoted authority in any field. ... My approach to dealing with them is to have someone else deal with them ... and if they get on my nerves ... to remind them that I write their checks.
Super-specialists tend to be impossible to deal with.
I made sure that I maintain my generalism because I detested being a superspecialist.

16 Jul 2012 17:08

It is far easier for the PhD to evolve within the organization than to come from outside.

I can't stand them personally.

16 Jul 2012 17:11

and I am a Phd ...
(I Love my two Masters degrees though)
Two times!
I absolutely loathe intellectual talk!

16 Jul 2012 17:34

@linzm ... PM me your email address ... I'll write you, and you respond with a detail plan of where you are headed .

Should you choose t go with us ... the biggest selling point is total & open access to all levels of organization . theChairs, CEs, XOs and all layers must respond and accommodate any reasonable attention to anyone and everyone... as long as it is not frivolous ... they must make the time to listen.

Some of our advances happened after someone brought something that turned out to be important to our attention.
(the downside of seeking their attentnion is the inconvenient times at which you might get to speak your thoughts ... "You wanted to speak with me about something .... Meet me Sunday morning at ... place on Sunday morning at 4:45 ") ... bu that might be the only time and place where there exists the 75 minutes you need.

17 Jul 2012 12:28

Where was I maan???? VusiK, Linzm, GA & Mangqezu....... Too much education in this site yeeerrrrreeee!!!! I feel so embarrassed guys!!! I can see nidla imali whenever you are maan!

Just wanna say i'm disappointed with Drum Magazine.

17 Jul 2012 12:46

Methinks Mangqezu, GA, Linzm, and many people on this site are headed for great things in their lives,
Money is a result ... Not a destination.

17 Jul 2012 13:21

If a person is of the impression that the Bachelors of anything qualification is the requirement for success ... that person is not only short-changing themselves ... they are in regression on an evolutionary scale >>>>> >>I wish they told everyone that on their graduation day because that is so true

It only gives you a foot in the door nothing more because the reality is that anyone can learn anything over time but the Bachelors' degree is just written evidence of your ability to learn as compared to a word of mouth testimony from the next person on the street

BTA - News 24 reports that 1 in 4 people in SA is 'mentally ill' but only about 
10-15% will ever get help for their mental illness........ @ GA and VusiK you may be on to something with all this spotting of psychos lol 

17 Jul 2012 13:25

ngithi mina isfebe vele lesi iswuBOnang asishawe LOL

17 Jul 2012 13:38

iz dat true uba u bonang ebobonwa kwenye ye Soccer players zase Naturena since u Minnie Dlamini e date enye yazo    n ebethwa nje ngu Dj ebesenayo

17 Jul 2012 13:40

@JadaPinkett....LOL ufebe nobani?

17 Jul 2012 13:51

LMAO@ Jada ... Where have you been hiding for the last year?
I have not laughed as much ... It is wonderful !
I laughed in the wee hours of this morning looking at some internet pictures of FAILs
I am laughing again at your comment ...
It feels Awesome !

17 Jul 2012 13:59

Has anyone seen "The Answer Man"?
I'm watching it right now ... 1st movie of "My Kind" in ... perhaps ... "Years !"
It is awesome !
I recommend it!
Very peculiar ... but wonderful man ... and story
Reminds me of me is an odd pathetic way.

17 Jul 2012 14:56

@Myname ...
We do miss you & the old crowd dearly .

17 Jul 2012 14:59

Exatly my point Veron, she's been abused and thats all. she has every right to be "so called psych" if anybody wants her to go psychic at court, GO AHEAD GAL PRESS THOSE CHARGES, REMEMBER YOU ARE A ROLE MODEL ESPECIALLY TO WOMEN, SO SHOW US ABUSE SHOULD BE REPORTED!!, DONT FEEL EMBARASS TO REPORT IT BECAUSE YOU ARE A CELEBRITY(ALSO HUMAN AND HAVE BLOOD FLOWIG ON YOUR VEINS) AND WERE BORN...............WE LOVE QUEEN B AND WE WILL ALWAYS DO..............................GO B!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

18 Jul 2012 13:23

Jada,o skhokho san...

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