New Movie Jozi: A Total Letdown

Written by makisto from the blog Frankly Speaking on 01 Mar 2010
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New movie Jozi > plagiarism, lacks creativity, boring = mediocrity
Carl Beukes is an ok actor and couldn't ressurect the movie from an early grave
This past Saturday I decided to watch a proudly South African movie for the first time in a very long time. The last South African Movie I watched was District 9.
Jozi is based on a comedy writer James (Carl Beukes) who is “a successful comedy writer” and a drug junkie. He ends up in rehab where, upon arrival, realises that the place is so boring and he cannot leave like that. He escapes from the rehab centre and decided to start his life on a clean slate but everything goes wrong and nothing ever works out for him.

The movie is so boring and shouldn’t have made it to the big screen. The producers attempted to make a comedy movie for white people because they saw how successful Rapulana Seiphemo’s White Wedding (which I’m still to watch when I buy the DVD at Musica) was. The movie’s idea clearly came from Generations and Jerusalema. We all know where the idea of Johannesburg being the world’s crime capital comes from = Jerusalema. 
Some ideas of the movie were clearly taken from Jerusalema
The harsh reality of the city being the criminal world’s capital city is clearly taken from Jerusalema though it isn’t part of the movie’s action, just in mention.

Upon escaping rehab, James gets a writing gig at a local TV comedy show, called Jozi Jives, which is the country’s number TV show. The show is so boring yet people keep on watching it. The executive producer of the show (played by Moshidi Motshegwa) wants James to rescue it and hires him while no one wants to work with him because of his history with drugs. It is rumoured that the show is influenced by the American writing standards and there is nothing South African about it and Moshidi wants James to turn things around and make the comedy show more South African. Is that lacks of creativity I hear? Unfortunately, yes! This is written Generations all over it.

The movie succesfully mocks Generubbish and fails to make us laugh
 We all know Generations has lost the plot, is boring, is kind of American and definitely needs someone to rescue it even though people keep on watching the boring nonsense. Were the movie (Jozi) producers really that lame in coming up with a storyline for the movie? Hai, I feel they could have done better. The complains people have about the Jozi Jives show are the complains we have about Generubbish.

James cannot come up with any new or exciting story ideas for the number one TV show in the country, which is what can be said about Generations. Same storylines = different characters or if new storylines = boring and mediocre. 
One of the few tolerable things about the movie is first class actors.
The only thing that’s good about the movie and what makes it kind of tolerable, is that it boast acting giants like Fiona Ramsey, Israel Makoe and Ronnie Nyakale. Other great actors (not giants, just great) are Moshidi Motshegwa and Scoob Scoombie (The guy who plays David Genaro’s henchman in Rhythm City). 
Fiona Ramsey is perfect on her role as estate agent

Without a doubt, the star of the show who outshines everyone in terms of beauty and performance, is Johannesburg itself. Top marks to the video camera people for getting the best shots of Johannesburg. Maybe that’s why the movie is called Jozi, the city may just as well be the main character. 
Johannesburg outperforms Carl Beukes
While on Jozi being the star of the show, the idea is also stolen from Jerusalema because it was the first SA movie to celebrate the beauty of Johannesburg.

I don’t think I laughed more than ten times when I watched this movie (that should tell you how boring it is). The funny part is when James has to pick up his buddy at Louis Trichardt aka Makhado whose car is stuck and has drugs in the car. He arrives and picks up his buddy and when they drive back to Jozi, they are stopped by a traffic cop (Hamilton Dlamini who plays Mojo in Society and starred in Faith like Potatoes). He interrogates them and they run into a mealie meal field. He chases after them and they manage to leave him in the field, come back and drive back to Jozi.
Another funny part is when James is hijacked in his neighbour’s house, his clothes are taken away from him, is taken to the middle of nowhere and is stuck without any taxi fare and has to take a taxi to town.
It's a case of bad script happening to good actors

 He’s rescued by Ronnie Nyakale who sells feather dusters in the city. A lady in the taxi gives him an Inkomazi T-shirt and Ronnie pays for his taxi fare. What I could make of this is the sense of Ubuntu and humility of South Africans. That’s the second part of the movie that can be viewed as great.
The other part that lacked creativity and can easily be taken as plagiarism is that the show is almost Isidingo. 

Abena Ayivor's role should've been bigger, not cameo
I mean we have Robert Whitehead (Barker Haines), Carl Beukes (Paul), Abena Ayivor (Dineo Sekete-Haines) Ronnie among others. We have more soapie characters = Moshidi, Ronnie, Scoob Scoombie and Matli Mohapeloa (All from Rhythm City). There’s also Jena Devor from Scandal.

Despite first class actors in the movie, the movie is a complete let down and gets 1/5 score from me. In case you enjoyed it and are wondering why I didn’t, that maybe because I’m no coconut and the movie is unquestionably for the whites.
Jozi producers, back to the drawing board and come up with a new and exciting movie next time. Are we clear? That’s if I will bother to watch. 

I then decided to reward myself by watching From Paris with Love which gets 4/5. It could have gotten 5/5 if they told us who the serial and mass assasin woks for


01 Mar 2010 10:23

people keep on watching the boring nonsense
Hamilton Dlamini who plays Mojo in Society and starred in Faith like Potatoes


01 Mar 2010 10:35

BA, what does SMH stand for?

01 Mar 2010 10:45

lol BA...i see u...

I really wanted to go watch this movie...but then i thought xerox will do....*hiding*

Have to confess to have never finished watching Jerusalem le Tsotsi.
White wedding, District 9 i liked quite a lot. And i just recently watched Faith like potatoes...very very lovely.
Now i have to watch Hansie and that Mandoza one despite my preconceived notions...patriotism one way...!

01 Mar 2010 11:34

makisto its stands for Shaking My Head...

01 Mar 2010 11:39

hey tebby *waving*

01 Mar 2010 11:44

Claiming that Jozi stole it's premise from Jerusalema is nonsense. Jerusalema is not a comedy, the plots are entirely different. The only thing they have in common is they were both set in Jo'burg. Yes, crime features in the movie, but that's like saying any move that's set in LA which has something about the film industry is ripping off The Player.

The reviewer of this movie is clearly an idiot.

So don't let this badly written review put you off. Go and judge for yourself. Jozi is a very original, entertaining, and funny movie. Well written, great performances. And unlike Jerusalema, it shows some of the nice things about living in Jo'burg, not just the ugly.

01 Mar 2010 11:46

Also, the show that Jozi Jives is making fun of is clearly not Generations. It's a cheesy sit com along the lines of City Sesla or SOS. I don't know how the reviewer made any connection to Generations. It's a soapie, not a comedy.

01 Mar 2010 12:06

hey dali ....
filmho no name calling hle moratuwa :-) are you one of the Jozi script writers? *just curious*

01 Mar 2010 12:14

I think Filmho is one of the Jozi script writers how is he/she so defensive

01 Mar 2010 12:20

@ filmho
While I agree to disagree with filmho, I want to point out that I respect your opinion in thinking the movie is great.
Jerusalema is not a comedy, the plots are entirely different.
Yes they are entirely different but one cannot help but see that the idea of the show was somehow stolen from Jerusalema. If you base your story on the same subject, at least find a refreshing angle. So many books were written about Madiba but they each have a refreshing look at the man.
that's like saying any move that's set in LA which has something about the film industry is ripping off The Player.
Bull crap, All Hollywood films I have watched have totally different sets even when set in the same place. They explore totally different stories. Why do Jozi producers celebrate Joburg like Jerusalema does?
The reviewer of this movie is clearly an idiot.
In this situation, an idiot is you my dear, because you happen not to think out of the box and wear hoog-klaps and other people like me are liberal and challenge our minds by thinking out of the box. You enjoyed the movie and that's fine, but I didn't.
Hey, let's see, you are a producer or an actor in the movie, you are trying to lure people to watch this crap of yours. I watched this movie at Sterland Stekinekor and it was allocated to a scene of less than 90 seats in its opening week. What does that tell you about cinema managers about the quality of the movie's content? = No confidence. I also heard lots of people complaining that the movie is really bad.
Go and judge for yourself
Absolutely, everyone should go and judge for themselves. The reason for writing reviews is to encourage other people to go watch and see if they agree. You didn't know that one because you lock your mind in a box.
Also, the show that Jozi Jives is making fun of is clearly not Generations. It's a cheesy sit com along the lines of City Sesla or SOS. I don't know how the reviewer made any connection to Generations. It's a soapie, not a comedy.
The reviewer watches TV, movies and can tell when something is pure crap. My dear, you need to go back to the drawing board and resharpen your thinking. Yes Jozi Jives is a sitcom and Gen is a soapie, the two shows are similar in that they are the country's numbered 1 watched shows, are boring and lack good script. That's where the connection is.
People, refrain from being programmed and thinking like people should, not donkeys. I am a frank speaker just as my column name points out and prefer not to beat about the bush.
makisto its stands for Shaking My Head... 
Thank you for letting me know.

01 Mar 2010 12:26

hey dali ....
filmho no name calling hle moratuwa :-) are you one of the Jozi script writers? *just curious*

I think Filmho is one of the Jozi script writers how is he/she so defensive 

Thank you, I couldn't have said it better myself!

baby e
01 Mar 2010 12:28

@ Filmho - how long have you been blogging on tvsa?

01 Mar 2010 12:40

Hey Cheesa my friend. How are you? Filmho makes me lol a bit but eish, the is clearly the director of Jozi. Yes, there's too much Naomi in Moshidi's role.
As for Robert Whitehead, there's a lot of Barker Haines in there. Hair stylists of the show didn't even bother to change his hairstyle that we saw him with in Isi last year. Filmho's criticism on my critique of Jozi is not constructive, it's personal, I expected the director (fhilmho) of Jozi to challenge my thoughts but failed dismally to do so, just as he failed in directing the movie

@baby e
@ Filmho - how long have you been blogging on tvsa? 
I also wanted to ask that question

01 Mar 2010 12:41

hey Bloggers!!! Filmho, name calling is so 2009. criticize the material not the person esp when u dont even know them. @everybody, why are y'all assuming that Filmho is affiliated with Jozi? So anyone who disagrees with a critisism has to be someone connected to the person or show that's being critisised? Though Filmho could hv found a less vulgar way of putting his point across he has some valid point in his comments.

01 Mar 2010 13:07

Same patterns mo tvsa someone cant disagree or have a diff opinoin without being butchered just because someone doesnt agree with what ur sayin its not like they have personal grudges against and ppl who are not well known*silent bloggers like me* cant say a thing without you guys defendin ur friends and why cant u tel ur friend Maki no name callin because he/she is doing the same thing

01 Mar 2010 13:20

@ Filmho - how long have you been blogging on tvsa? 

If i may ask nje just out of Curiosity, what does the length of time one has on TVSA have to do with commenting on a blog that interest you?

Another thing .... I think Makisto you are not being the better person for fighting insult with insult, like a more open minded and sharp thinking, you should know where to draw the line re: insulting comments ... ok that's me

Re the cast ... i think producers of whoever is responsible for casting the actors for their project, they look at the pro and cons of hiring unknown and the know, budget playing the most factor in  that regard ... if they want a Naome vruum, or Barher vruum or Dineo vruum in the project, and getting someone who already have those skills into the project, maked more business sense to them in term of budget, risk and time that will take compared to taking an unknown BA into their project, so be it.

and i think Filmho have valid points and makes so much sense(minus insult) in shim's comments .... If we are all to speak about SA, we are bound to have common things in whatever we are saying because it is thesame SA that we are on about, and if we were to center our conversation in the same town withing SA, then even more things will be common as long as it happens in that town ....

01 Mar 2010 13:20

@ extinct
Same patterns mo tvsa someone cant disagree or have a diff opinoin without being butchered just because someone doesnt agree with what ur sayin its not like they have personal grudges against and ppl who are not well known*silent bloggers like me*
That's not entirely true. I've disagreed with a number of people here such as Cheesa and Blaqueboi. In my disagreement, I was constructive and got a better way of saying my point. The fhilmo huy is so defensive and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see the guy is somehow affiliated to Jozi. When you disagree, don't be defensive, that's all. He got personal the moment he called me an idiot with tangaible proof. What in my review said I'm an idiot. I'm not saying people shouldn't call me an idiot (people can be idiots at times), all I'm saying is they shouldn't find proof that says I'm an idiot. Without that, an idiot will only be the accuser. As for name calling, my motto is: "you start the fight, it will end with you. I was only hitting back at what was said of me without being witty about it. No one is defending me, they are just stating their observation.

01 Mar 2010 13:23

hey Makisto,

let me summarize the constructive points for you since you seemed to miss them:

1) You suggest any movie that features themes or subject material in common with another movie is somehow derivative. By your logic, Jerusalema is not original, but ripping off New Jack City, Goodfellas, and any other movie that's about organized crime.

2) You suggest any movie that's made for a white audience shouldn't get made in SA. I think that's a little narrow-minded, don't you? I can appreciate if you didn't like the movie, but just because you didn't doesn't mean only white people will.

3) You suggest the movie should be compared to Generations simply because both are boring and lack a good script. Well, one could say the same for Muvhango or a whole host of locally made TV shows.

sorry to call you an idiot, my brother, that was out of line ... much love and respect

and by the way, I had absolutely nothing to do with the making of this movie. I just thought your review was a little harsh, that's all. But hey, different strokes for different folks.

01 Mar 2010 13:29

@ BA
If i may ask nje just out of Curiosity, what does the length of time one has on TVSA have to do with commenting on a blog that interest you? 
The answer is season versus learner
Valid points about the cast but do you have to go on a certain soapie and take all their cast? I say, take a bit here and there. Not go to RC and Isi for all your actors.
As for topics about the same city, let's take Pretoria for instance, one person may talk about Church Square, the other about Pretoria Zoo, one about Pretoria Station, one about Sammy Marks Square, the other about Sunny Park etc tec, not all talk about Church Square especially when you have read a book about it two years ago.

01 Mar 2010 13:42

@ filmho
But hey, different strokes for different folks.
Good, there you go, hence I said I don't expect anyone to agree with me on my opinions and thoughts on this movie.
On point number (3) You cannot compare Gen with Muvhango or Isi for that matter. Gen is boring yet it is no. 1 in the country in terms of ARs.
For my argument's sake, I can compare Jozi Jives with Gen because the shows have a lot in common as pointed out earlier.
On point (2) all I'm saying is producers lacked a target audience. They aimed at white and black people. They should have concerntrated on white people strictly or purely on black people. If they aimed at one target audience, the other target audience was going to love it too. For instance, 7de Laan is an Afrikaaner soapie and unashamedly aimed at white people, yet my girlfriend loves it to bits. In my experience, I find it that African and white comedy differ significantly, especially because of the divisions of the past. I find it that what I find humorous may not particularly be humorous to white people.
I shall not comment on point (1) since I haven't watched those movies but only heard of them. Jerusalema is, in my opinion, the best movie ever to come out of SA. Even critique movie veteran Barry Ronge said so during the time of its release. I hear White Wedding is a hit and I'm going to buy the DVD since I missed it.

01 Mar 2010 13:44

The answer is season versus learner

This is a blogging site i dont think there is master in commenting or whether being vocal on the comment field makes one an expert that those who choose to remain silent, there are poeple who have been here long before we were both here but decide to be silent bloggers, then how do you apply season vs learner there .... 

RE cast ... like i said i believe owners of the project LOOK at what is best for them, their budget amd market ... if RC have better Naomi that any other soapy or  drama  or wherever you can find best actor/actresses, why not use all of them as long as they gonna deliever what you want at the end of the day?

RE city ... what you just mentioned there are amenities(is this the word, help toe) within the city not the cities ...... Jerusalema and Jozi  decided to base their story on the city named Johannesburg ... so obviously certain things there will be common(especial major things within the city) if there were to base it in Pretoria Zoo, believe you me you will see lions, crocodiles and everything that make and complete the Zoo

01 Mar 2010 13:54

@ BA
Your amenities spelling is correct. Bandla, do all movie makers have to get the same shot of Jhb when filming a movie about it?
I meant to say seasoned versus learner. I apply it in that one has experience. Let's say I'm a social work, I only watch other people working and after 5 years I want to start practicing, surely my services won't be as seasoned as those of the one who has been working all these years. That's why employers look at experience when hiring.
You have a valid argument BA but I don't agree with you shem. People need to be creative, especially in the arts. You cannot all see the same thing in one thing especially when you are in film where writers need to find new and exciting stories all the time.

01 Mar 2010 13:58

keep it going guys, keep it thetha kamnadi...kak'ugas! *tii..tii.. pote!*

01 Mar 2010 13:59

That's why employers look at experience when hiring. 

hhayi bo Makisto.. you are taking this commenting business too seriously ... it is not a proffesion, you dont need to be a professional too voice out your views, all you need is to read, understand, analyse then write down what you know or think ... phela being the silent blogger doesnt make one's mind Silent... aowa bathong.

lets just agree to disagree .......

01 Mar 2010 14:06

On Jozi Jives vs. Generations, let me break it down for you:

Jozi Jives is
- a situation comedy
- has only four characters, one from each race group
- takes place in only one set
- has cheesy dialogue & bad jokes

Generations is
- a soap opera
- has many many characters, predominantly black
- takes place in multiple sets
- has cheesy dialogue (I'll give you this one)

So the only thing they have in common is they're badly written and they're both number one. But in terms of tbeing number one in ARs, don't forget this is a made up world in the movie. Sure, it's set in a real city, but the characters are all made up. Jozi Jives is made up. Just because it's number one in the fictional world of the movie Jozi doesn't mean it has any relationship to the number one show in our world.

And btw, Generations is number one in terms of ARs because it's on SABC1, which has the largest broadcast footprint in the nation. Meaning, it's the one channel everyone can get everywhere. The same can't be said for SABC2, SABC3 or even etv for that matter. So Muvhango and Isidingo are already at a disadvantage because even if everyone who watched Generations wanted to watch Muvhango or Isidingo, they wouldn't be able to get reception.

P.S. I've seen White Wedding and I enjoyed it too. If you see it, I think you'll see it sort of undermines your whole argument about making movies for a specific audience because White Wedding is targeted at everyone: black, white, coloured, English, Afrikaans, you name it and it did very well at the box office. It made more money than Jerusalema, for example ...

01 Mar 2010 14:12

yazi Makisto  if you look at it like this ...... in our sopies and drama here in SA, after our gov made homosexual relationships legal ... all most of our soapies and dramas wanted to have a story line on homosexual relationships, reason being as much as it was legalised but majority in our society is still struggling to come to terms with it for different reason, some have accepted it, so they did it and if you lok at them most things are the same just potrayed by different poeple, reason being it is the same homosexual relationships....

JBH is the biggest city in SA, crime being the the factor in it(we can say because of the population or whatever ), yes there are good things happening in JHB but still crime is there, so whoever  writes anything about JHB they have to say something about crime that's happening in it(ie a Place called home, they based their story in JHB and they also showed crime that happens in there)  and also show some of the good things that are there ie the spirit of ubuntu like you mentioned ... if anyone can write Jozi and make it to be a paradise  or heaven-on-earth we will be on their throughts for inslting our eyes, ears and knowledge ... reason being we know Jozi ... so maybe we can just say they must stop writting about JHB and one movie per city because if that wnt happen then we still gonna have same storyine ...

that's my take and thanks for a a debate

01 Mar 2010 14:38

And btw, Generations is number one in terms of ARs because it's on SABC1, which has the largest broadcast footprint in the nation. Meaning, it's the one channel everyone can get everywhere. The same can't be said for SABC2, SABC3 or even etv for that matter.

@filmho: Makes sense what you have written. I always wonder why this Generation had so many viewerships. Now I get the picture and no wonder?

Sana Lwam
01 Mar 2010 14:51

I had always find it very strange that people always talk about the "bad script of Generations" or worse when they call it Generubbish and yet they always watch it and know each and every character.

01 Mar 2010 14:54

@ filmho, I'm not disputing that Jozi Jives is fictional within the movie. My arguement is that they are mocking Gen. They fictionalised the whole thing and even made it a comdedy show so they can mock it andbe able to argue that they were not referring to a soapie in case Mfundi takes them to court coz he's good at that. I'm not on Gen's side here, I'm just saying. As for White Wedding targeting everyone, there's a recipe that you have to follow in order to target everyone. Take Isidingo for instance, you cannot not say white or black, it got its ingredients right just like White Wedding (I assume). 
I'm not taking it too seriously, I was just giving an example. But true that silent bloggers are also intelligent. But surely, experience in everything sometimes does count. As for homosexual relationships on TV, they all have a point they are trying to raise starting with the old days of Backstage, Isidingo, Society, Rythm City but where I doin't see the point of the story line or at least storyline that's not written well is the Senzo gay storylin in Gen, which for over 6 months, has been boring and without a point.
All I'm saying is movie writers need to be creative and I can't express this enough. A place called home had its own storyline and great writers who came up with exciting stories. Jozi could have done better and definately lacks creativity, let alone originality. Or is that what we have to settle for in SA these days on SA cinemas? I for one can't.
O sele wena yazi.

01 Mar 2010 14:59

c'mon Sana Lwam, u have to admit it's hard to avoid Generations. It's everywhere. Most black targeted magazines are Generations' personal diary.

BTW, u dont have to be a avid soccer viewer to know that Bafana Bafana sucks

01 Mar 2010 15:06

Well said blaqueboi, I for one, know that Gen sucks but still watch it. However, I don't and shall not buy any mag that has Gen on the cover. Especially a certain weekly mag that a month doesn't go by without them putting it on the cover even thought the targeted person's role or storyline is boring. The thing is, there's nothing worth watching at 20:00 on TV except Gen.

01 Mar 2010 15:17

The thing is, there's nothing worth watching at 20:00 on TV except Gen.
That is if you don't have a dish then I agree.

01 Mar 2010 15:20

Yeah, I don't have a dish. How many Black people do?

01 Mar 2010 15:29

How many Black people do?
Now of late there are plenty of them.

01 Mar 2010 15:32

Yeah, I don't have a dish. How many Black people do?>>>>kwakwakwakwaaaa! yeah nehhhhh...

01 Mar 2010 15:35

@ realist
Now of late there are plenty of them.
What you meant to say is instead of the previous 3/50 is now 6/50. That isn't plenty.

01 Mar 2010 15:42

@ Makisto
What you meant to say is instead of the previous 3/50 is now 6/50. That isn't plenty

I see, you are not yet a black diamond. Don’t worry you will get there in no time, hang in there.

Sana Lwam
01 Mar 2010 15:43

The thing is, there's nothing worth watching at 20:00 on TV except Gen. @realist - haibo u can watch Scandal mos but u still "torture" urself by watching Generations.
@blaqueboi & makisto - was merely saying "....had always find it strange..." and that was after the explanation by filmho which made made me understand the high AR's of Gen.

01 Mar 2010 15:47

I see, you are not yet a black diamond. Don’t worry you will get there in no time, hang in there.

LMFBAO, so having a DSTV determines your status in black societal hierarchy? u killing me u two!

01 Mar 2010 15:48

@realist - haibo u can watch Scandal mos but u still "torture" urself by watching Generations. 
I watch soapies!!! You are kidding.

01 Mar 2010 15:50

@ realist
I see, you are not yet a black diamond. Don’t worry you will get there in no time, hang in there.
I hope one day i will.
@ Sana Lwam
Duh, Scandal is from 19:30 to 20:00 and @ 20:00 we have to torture ourselves with Gen.
@ blaqueboi, realist seems to think so and it's kind of true but not necessarily so.
What does LMFBAO stand for blaque?

01 Mar 2010 15:51

LMFBAO, so having a DSTV determines your status in black societal hierarchy?
It is the “in thing” nowadays.

01 Mar 2010 15:52

Laugh My Fucken Black Ass Off

Sana Lwam
01 Mar 2010 15:53

@ Sana Lwam
Duh, Scandal is from 19:30 to 20:00 and @ 20:00 we have to torture ourselves with Gen.

Ooops my bad - wouldnt know coz I'm a die hard fan of Generations.

01 Mar 2010 15:56

I don't blame you Sana Lwam, it's as if the sopie cast a spell on us. I watch it when I have time or when I get home early. Eish people, time for me to knowck off and go to gym. Will get home @ 20:30 after gym. I'm going to miss this. C u 2moro.

01 Mar 2010 16:37

...tjo Dstv makes one a Black Diamond >>>> I have a dish but i'm not on DSTV, am I still a black diamond?!?!?!  *hides*

01 Mar 2010 18:44

Thanks Makisto for the review.  To be honest, after watching the trailor, I just wrote it off.  The trailor was just nje, dry and irritating.  Yes, it is loaded with good actors but from the littel that I saw, I was not encouraged or entised to go watch and I am glad.  

I mean really, if a 2 minutes trailor does not move me, how on earth do they expect me to pay and sit for 90 minutes for twak?   SO I will be passing this one.  Even the guys at  wont be getting my hard earned R25.00.  I doubt if they are even trying to sell it.  It wont move.

01 Mar 2010 21:30

I watched the movie on Friday... fell asleep somewhere in between but got themost importaant part
the producers are Akin Omotoso and Kgmotso Matsunyane... and they have a very different sense of humour, if you follow their funny moments or moments that are funny to them in their normal JOBs...

I loved Robert Whitehead's character and his lines were nicely delivered... especially the "Tell him we don't even lock our doors!" when ever his wife called Carl from Australia... Anywho, I admit it is a bit dry... 

BUT guess what posi it got from the Weekend top 10 list

Herewith the Top 10 movies for weekend 26 to 28 February 2010:
2. AVATAR (incl 3D)
10. JOZI
The Top 10 title on circuit with highest life to date box office is AVATAR with R53 248 441.

Don't be surprised when next week it's number 5... LOL! 

Barry Ronge loved it...I thought it was ok, my husband feels it's a total misrepresentation of Jozi as he considers himself a true Joburger and like the last line in the movie says... There's no burger like a joburger!

02 Mar 2010 08:28

Thank you for posting the top 10 Segololo. I'm sure filmho did go through it and saw that the movie that he thinks is "great" is number mcheche. Yeah, the lasp part was great. But with Barker, they could have at least unBarkered him, but no, they didn't. Avatar is indeed a brilliant movie but I have got issues with black people always saved by a white man. Can't we as black people save ourselves?
Yes, it is loaded with good actors but from the littel that I saw, I was not encouraged or entised to go watch and I am glad.
I share your sentiments and you did yourself a favour, believe me.
@ Cheesa
I'm not saying having a dish means you are a black diamond, it's realist who says that.

02 Mar 2010 10:02

@ makisto: Can't we as black people save ourselves? 

GO watch The Book of Eli... and tell me what you think?

02 Mar 2010 10:43

I read your review about it and you said it's starring Denzel Washington as the one who saves the planet. Am definately watching it soon. It's just that I am tired of black people being saved by white people. Hleng Madiba was able to save us from apartheid and was even prepared to die for his ideals. Let me not start on his ideals speech coz I will so mara start crying. You gotta love Madiba for saving SA black people and other black people elsewhere in the world for that matter.

02 Mar 2010 14:46

you mean to tell me the movie is a catastrophe of mediocrity? then i wont bother watching it

02 Mar 2010 15:01

Less yada yada, more ching ching $$$$$

02 Mar 2010 15:03

he he he he he he he he he.............................myname....wa mpolaya

02 Mar 2010 15:07

makisto  my problem with complaints about black people's roles or how black people are being depicted, is that the rich black folks (at least in the US) they dont want to put the money where the mouth is and invest in movies that will depict them in a positive light, because movies like Book of Eli or Will Smiths movies where he saves the wolrd, are moslty financed and produced by white people who only use these two because they are bankable and white people relate to them...but how about people like JZ investing in a movie with an unknown but good actor saving the world with a brilliant and vigrous promotion...nnooo theyd rather spend money on ten bentleys and austins and THEN complain....locally Motsepes could do it coz there's is clearly a market for local movies we just need quality and great acting

that Jozi movie I looked once and passed  but tehn I ended up watching anotehr terrible movie Couples Retreat..donno why it performed so well overseas, coz it was least vince got his money back and more for being a producer as well..but i expected betta from him   awful movie shoulda tried wasting my money on a local one at least..

02 Mar 2010 15:33

nnooo theyd rather spend money on ten bentleys and austins and THEN complain....
Well said.

02 Mar 2010 16:33

Hau sponono!!! Didn't you like Couples retreat? Tjo! Intact, compared to Why Did I Get Married, it had a better practical way of trying to see what's working & what's not working in a relationship. And yes, there were some scenes where I felt were soooooooo unnecessary. I am now embarrassed to say I watched it more than ......... Eish. You guys are hard to please man tjeeeerrrr

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