You fall in love, oh at least you think you have fallen in love with a man, you find out that the person you thought was his friend is actually a real girlfriend, he tells you after you have fallen pregnant.
You try to figure out why would he do that to you only you feel that he has been using you, he does not love you the way you thought. you become too stressed you are afraid to come clean with your parents that who has fathered your child.
You get a still born he promises that he is gonna help bury his child but only to find out that he was luring you. You get this anger that you do not know how you gonna get rid of it. Only that by the time you are about to bury your first ever born child he is no way to be found; guess where he is, he is with his Wife yes the wife not that girlfriend. That makes you the third on the pattern, well as far as you know. You have no one to blame but yourself for the naiveness.
You pray and wish that you could overcome that but only it is too late because you already feel like damaged goods. Really do people like these really deserve a second chance? I want to feel better and the only way to do that is to give the taste of medicine. I feel like the chance of me making my parents and siblings proud has been taken right under my nose. This make me feel useless and develop a rage that when i have started i would feel sorry for him again.
If you have not been involved in such a situation please never ever allow it to happen. I know never is a very long time but please beware. There are people out there who are set to ruin you please do not be weak like me, conqure. Broken.
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