The animated comedy Bob's Burgers returns for a well-done eighth season.
The series follows the ups and downs of Bob (H. Jon Benjamin), who runs Bob's Burgers with the help of his wife and their three kids. Bob has big ideas about burgers, but his family falls short on service and sophistication.
In the Season 8 premiere, "Brunchsquatch": To compete with Jimmy Pesto, Bob's Burgers begins serving brunch, but it quickly turns to chaos.
Meanwhile, Tina, Gene and Louise decide to help Mr. Fischoeder's brother hide from him in a season premiere which features animation inspired by fan-created artwork.
Vuzu (DStv 116) |
19 February 2018 |
Weekdays, 22h00 |
Tuesday-Saturday, 02h30
Sundays, 01h30 (omnibus) |
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