Miss South Africa Tamaryn Green's ridiculous Miss Universe national outfit that smothers her face.
Please note: This story continues in the replies below...
Yoh! I'd just written a rant about how Miss Universe has been ripped from Compact to air excusively on Premium on 1Magic and now I've just heard that it's going to air on Vuzu too - yay!
Last year it was on Vuzu so it was a totally UNcool low blow by DStv to only air it on 1Magic, especially with our Demi-Leigh Nel-Peters handing over the crown.
The Miss South Africa organisers protested and now it's on Vuzu too so I've ditched my rant and feel a lot calmer...*breathe*...
It's now going to air live on Vuzu and 1Magic this Monday (17 December) at 02h00. It repeats on 1Magic at 20h30... I'm not sure what time it repeats on Vuzu. I'll let you know when I find out.