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Giyani's Comeback: the inside scoop on Season 2

Written by TVSA Team from the blog Giyani Teasers on 27 Oct 2021
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The wait ends this Monday 1 November when SABC2's Xitonga telenovela returns for Season 2, at the same times as Season 1: Mondays to Wednesdays at 21h30.

It's been two years since we last saw the Risinga community in Giyani and TVSA has you covered with the 911 on what you need to know about the new season.

On the storyline front: lead character Richard Mudau's been through a lockdown of his own between then and now.

He's been peering through prison bars, facing the consequences of being exposed as a corrupt traitor, which is how things unfolded at the end of Season 1.

Secrets were revealed, tragedy struck and his wife Gladys (Yvonne Chaka Chaka) was left for dead.

Flashforward to now >> and Richard's returning home from prison, with new intentions.

He has no money, no influence and wants to reform himself. He wants to go back into business but with a new life, away from crime.

His only problem is that he doesn't realise who he has on his arm. He returns with Manoko Ledwaba, his new lurve interest, who pretends to be someone she's not.

She's played by Rami Chuene, who stars alongside Ndivhuho Mutsila who reprises his role as Richard.

Other cast returnees include Fumani Shilubana as Vukosi, Wiseman Zitha as Musawahosi and Mathabo Mothibe as Khensani.

Newcomers include Aubrey Mmakola, Skeem Saam's PI Ramashala.

Stepping behind-the-scenes... series creators Phathu Makwarela and Gwydion Beynon of Tshedza Pictures are executively producing again and we've discovered that the season has a new Creative Producer and Director.

Shitshembiso Mabasa, who conceptualised Mzansi Magic's docu-reality show Utatakho, is now Creative Producer.

Former Muvhango-star-turned-director Nthabi Tau (Meiki), is behind the camera as Creative Director. 

We caught up with them to get their take on the season:
Nthabi directing Giyani on location. Other shows she's directed on include Isidingo and Lingashoni.

TVSA: What’s been your No. 1 goal for Season 2? 

Nthabi: My goal when working on any television project, is to tell great and riveting stories - stories that resonate with our audiences. Stories that will have people talking at the office coffee station, LOL.

Secondly, I love beautiful visuals. We shoot on a breathtaking location which is the backdrop of our world with wild life roaming around as an added bonus.

I was told that Season 1 ended with 3 million viewers and I’m hoping we double that number this season.

Shitshembiso: I’m the story police. My job is to make sure the story is as compelling as it is on paper.

We have a solid story and that can only be validated by how people engage it this season.

We want our stories to add value to peoples lives, cause them to smile, laugh, cry, and a whole lot more. We are taking them on a journey. 

TVSA: Did you work on Season 1 too and if so, in what capacity? If not, what led you to Season 2? 

In Season 1, I was a storyliner, Xitsonga translator, and a researcher. In Season 2 I’m still a storyliner and the new Creative Producer. 

Nthabi: I did not work on Season 1, however, I have always wanted to work with Tshedza Pictures and when the opportunity arose to direct on this show I obviously jumped on the opportunity.

TVSA: Please can you give us insight into Rami’s character Manoko? 
Shitshembiso: Manoko is a mother and our new villain, her number two is Season 1 villain, Vukosi Moyo… to the villagers, Manoko is their saviour.

After the collapse of the banana plantation, Manoko came in and made the land work for the people. But her greed and illegal dealings leads her to destroy the very community she saved.  

Nthabi: The best way to describe Manoko is diabolical. She marries Richard, who has lost his wife Gladys, and uses his connections to get ahead.

She masquerades as loving wife, meanwhile she dabbles in rhino poaching dealing with unsavoury characters.

In the first episode she does the unthinkable, giving us a window into how far she’ll go to get what she wants.

You'll find the first teasers for the season here >> Back! Giyani: Land of Blood Teasers - November 2021

If you missed the first season you'll find an overview of it here >> Giyani Season 1
Pics of Rami and Aubrey by Lesole Snap Productions.

Shows in this post: Giyani - Land of Blood, Utatakho, Muvhango

Channels in this post: SABC2


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