Wet Markets Exposed
Channel: eReality (Openview 108)
TX Time: 21h00
Genre: Documentary Series
Wet Markets Exposed travels the world exploring how these markets feed local communities while putting everyone at risk.
Dogs, snakes and bats are dinner items up for sale at Indonesia's wet markets.
Peruvians shop for turtles at the wet market to make a dish believed to prevent COVID-19.
West Africa
Snakes, reptiles, pangolins and other bush animals for sale in a Nigerian wet market and voodoo fetish market.
Livestock wet markets from a hilltop in Albania to the meat packing district in New York City may pose the greatest threat for the next pandemic.
Ocean Whitetip: The Shipwreck Shark
Channel: S3
TX Time: 18h00
Genre: Wildlife, Documentary
The oceanic whitetip shark is statistically the most dangerous shark in the ocean, yet we know very little about it.
Professor Yannis Papastamatiou sets out on a quest to uncover the secrets of this rarely seen shark, revealing unique hunting behaviour never before captured on camera.
Floating shipwreck survivors of the Second World War met them by the hundred.
Theirs and other survivor accounts soon vilified the Oceanic white-tip as a ruthless killer.
As far as humankind is concerned, the story of the white-tip starts with these ship wrecks, but now it's about to resolve in a very different way.
Once there were thousands of these sharks terrorising shipwreck survivors, but today, the ocean is almost devoid of them.
The question remains - just how do these large sharks find enough food to survive?
To get closer to the answer, Yannis plans to tag the Oceanic White-tip.
By tracking the sharks and fixing a camera tag to the dorsal fin he will be able to get a clearer picture of how it hunts and feeds.
The data he receives is intriguing; characteristically, the Oceanic white-tips spend all their time within 300 feet of the surface but, according to this new data, they sporadically execute extremely deep dives as well – some of them close to 3,000 feet.
Marine biologists suspect that these massive deep dives coincide with dives by pilot whales – to feed on schools of squid.
Could the crafty white-tips be following the pilot whales, using their advanced sonar and ability to locate shoals of squid to get a free meal?
The proof of this theory will be revealed by the camera tags. It's a game of patience - Yannis will have to wait and see.
Ninja Warrior UK 3
Channel: eReality (Openview 108)
TX Time: 20h00
Genre: Game Show
A physical obstacle assault course game show based upon the format of the Japanese game show Sasuke.
Presented by Ben Shephard, Chris Kamara and Rochelle Humes, the show focuses on contestants tackling a difficult assault course featuring a variety of obstacles, the most notable being the Warped Wall.
Contestants advance in the competition by achieving a fast enough time or progressing far enough along the course.
The competition culminates with a final, in which the contestant who goes furthest fastest is declared "Last Ninja Standing".
If a competitor completes the final obstacle, Mt Midoriyama, in under 45 seconds, they will be declared winner of the contest and crowned "Ninja Warrior UK".