Brigette Chisenga<br >Lives in: Johanessburg<br >Age: 29<br ><br >Brigette (Brigie) is from Northwold in Gauteng and is a nurse by profession, but currently works at a medical aid company. She is married and has a three year old son called Jonathan. Brigie describes herself as family oriented and someone who loves people, food, having fun and travelling.<br ><br >She also says she is someone who values their sleep. She is trying to live her best life and in her recreational time goes to the gym, jogs, hangs out with her family and friends and does a bit of gardening. “I think I am a very down to earth and spiritual person, I am a deep thinker. For the future I would like more kids, health, wealth and spiritual wellbeing.<br ><br >“My favourite movie is Pretty Woman, my favourite CD is Butterfly by Mariah Carey, my favourite country is South Africa – but I have worked as an au-pair in the States and loved it. I entered Fear Factor to see if I would get in and to see how far I can push my body and mind. I’m sure the next couple of weeks will be hectic, crazy, fun and challenging in the extreme.<br ><br >“I prepared for this by gyming every day, and running and pushing myself to run, run, run. Besides giving birth, the most physical thing I’ve done is rock climbing and the bravest thing I’ve done is climbing out of my car window after I had a bad accident where I rolled my car off the highway. If I win I will take my husband away on a well deserved break.”<br >