Schuyler Vorster is 24 years old and is from Fourways. He is an up and coming actor in the local industry but not enough to quit his day job which is working in the marketing department at A3 (Advanced Applications Africa).
He is single and lives with his mom. They just recently moved up from Cape Town and prior to that lived in London.
He has a B.Com in marketing and economics as well as a BA in live performance. He likes movies, books, watching sport, girls, going to night clubs and music and cites his favourite book as being Scar Tissue, the autobiography of Anthony Kiedies, lead singer of the Red Hot Chili Peppers.
He dislikes people who have ulterior motives, using people for stepping stones, poverty, mediocrity and people who forget their dreams.
He says that his philosophy is to live a life less ordinary and he says that in his recreational time he enjoys consuming copious amounts of alcohol and then copious amounts of Red Bull directly afterwards. He also likes watching movies, swimming and lifting weights.
He describes himself as a very heavy thinker who is excitable and brave but not stupid. He is very passionate about the life he leads and is easily depressed when he fails.
In preparation for the show he bought a book entitled 'The Eye Of The World, The Crossroads Of Twilight', swam a lot and spoke to his mother, who is a very inspirational person.
His worst fear is HIV, going to hell and losing his family.
The most physical thing that he's ever done was to go river rafting and cliff diving and he says that his most embarrassing experience was when he was 14 and got really drunk and made a fool of himself at a party.
"I'm here to test myself and to live a life less ordinary. Other contestants are here to make a name for themselves but I'm here to achieve something.
"I'm arrogant and I'm not here to make friends."