No Reservations is a South African television talk show produced by Carol Bouwer Productions and anchored by Basetsana Kumalo, Carol Bouwer, Michelle Garforth and Katie Mohamed that features guests from the most prominent segments of our society and the world, discussing topics ranging from ash cloud to politics, from pole dancing to economies of the day.
The series premiered on SABC3 on Wednesday 21 July 2010, at 20h00. New episodes broadcast weekly. There are 13 hour-long episodes in the first season.
No Reservations is based on the premise that all four presenters and the guest presenter - Jen Su - are established personalities whose opinions matter and are listened to.
It is a lifestyle talk show that features guests from the most prominent segments of our society and the world, addressing topics that are on everyone’s mind, from ash cloud to politics, from pole dancing to economies of the day.
The series also covers major red carpet events in the country and abroad. It aims to bring the other side of the glamorous world of entertainment.
Episodes include viewer prizes and luxury surprises.