Car Wars with Funkmaster Flex is an American reality competition television series produced by Monica Taylor Enterprises Inc. and hosted by Hip-Hop DJ Funkmaster Flex, which chronicles the real life drama of four customizers competing in a seven-week race to customize a new car.
The series premiered in the USA on ESPN2 in May 2007.
Car Wars with Funkmaster Flex premiered in South Africa on TopTV's Fox FX channel on Wednesday 15 September 2010, at 14h50. Thereafter double episodes broadcast back-to-back at 14h30 daily, seven days a week. There are 26 half-hour episodes in the series.
(double bill)
Daily: 23h05
This reality show chronicles the real life drama of four customizers competing in a seven-week race to customize a new car.
Car Wars captures the blood, the sweat and the tears of these guys as they each try to balance their passion for cars with their complex personal lives.