Tales from the Edge is a South African documentary series created and narrated by Elisabeth Marshall which documents her mission to compile a book of short stories about the lives of the rich and famous, focusing on the moral dilemmas they face.
The series premiered on SABC3 on Thursday 21 April 2011, at 21h30. New episodes broadcast weekly. There are 15 episodes in the series.
Elisabeth Marshall is on a mission to compile a book of short stories on the soap opera lives of the rich and sometimes famous. Hers is a look into the emotional moral dilemmas facing the rich behind their gilded doors and high walls.
Tales from the Edge is a gritty, hard-hitting, story-driven series. It puts viewers squarely in the universe of the bizarre, strange and unusual with stories that leave them wondering how they could have happened and still be true.
The series is a high-end docu-drama that reflects human dramas that unfold within families.
Elisabeth is well-travelled and as a socialite she's known for her style and impeccable taste. She's been featured in the society pages of magazines and has been named a style icon to watch.
Money has never been an issue for her and three husbands later, she feels she's benefited from the practice run. Practice makes perfect is one of her mottos, as is "don't judge others least ye be judged".
These little moral quips are things she likes to use and apply in unconventional ways.