Dexter is an American television drama series based on the novel Darkly Dreaming Dexter by Jeff Lindsay and adapted for television by James Manos, Jr., which centres on Dexter Morgan, a blood pattern analyst for the Miami Metro Police Department by day and a serial killer who lives by a "code" - killing only heinous criminals who have slipped through the justice system - by night.
Orphaned at the age of four and harbouring a traumatic secret, Dexter was adopted by a police officer who recognized Dexter's homicidal tendencies and guided his son to channel his gruesome passion for human vivisection in a constructive way - by killing perpetrators that are above the law or who have slipped through the cracks of justice.
A respected member of the police force, a perfect gentleman and a man with a soft spot for children, Dexter's world reveals an unusual exploration into the mind of a sociopathic killer.
With an unflinching drive to kill, Dexter struggles to emulate normal emotions he doesn't feel so that he can keep up his appearance as a caring, socially responsible human being.
Produced by Showtime, Dexter is executive produced by John Goldwyn, Sara Colleton, Scott Buck, Manny Coto, Tim Schlattmann, Wendy West, Jace Richdale and Michael C. Hall.