Unnatural History is a Canadian-American comedy-drama adventure television series created by Mike Werb and produced by Warner Horizon Television which follows Henry Griffin, a teenager with exceptional skills acquired through years of globe-trotting with his anthropologist parents who is forced to face his biggest challenge yet: high school.
The series aired in the USA on Cartoon Network from 13 June to 21 September, 2010. There are 13 hour-long episodes in one season.
Unnatural History premiered in South Africa on DStv's M-Net Series channel on Wednesday 21 December 2011, at 19h30. New episodes broadcast weekly.
After years of traveling the globe and learning the ways of the world, Henry Griffin is returning to America to face his biggest challenge yet: the mysteries of high school.
Together with his cousin Jasper and friend Maggie, Henry will use his ancient skills to solve modern mysteries.
Henry's opening narration is as follows:
"My name is Henry Griffin. I spent my whole life living in exotic places. And I learned a great many things. I also had a habit of getting into trouble, a lot of trouble. So to keep me safe, my anthropologist parents shipped me off to the one place I've never lived, America.
"Now I live with my uncle and cousin trying to fit in at Smithson High, a school inside the National Museum Complex. I work in the museum's basement, where they store all kinds of weird stuff."