Penn & Teller: Fool Us is a British comedy game show television series created by Penn Jillette, Teller, Peter Adam Golden and Andrew Golder which challenges magicians to perform in front of American magician/comedian duo Penn & Teller. If they can fool Penn and Teller, they win a five-star trip to Las Vegas to perform as the opening act in the duo's show at the Rio Hotel & Casino.
The pilot aired in the UK on ITV1 on 7 January, 2011 and due to good viewing figures was extended to a full series, which aired from 18 June to 28 August, 2011. There are nine episodes in the series.
Penn & Teller: Fool Us premiered in South Africa on DStv's BBC Entertainment channel on Sunday 29 April 2012, at 19h00. New episodes broadcast weekly.
Penn & Teller: Fool Us is an original and daring TV magic show – starring the world famous magic double act of Penn & Teller.
Hosted by Jonathan Ross and produced by DCD-owned September Films/117 Production, this series throws down the gauntlet to every aspiring magician in the UK to perform their most mystifying trick to fool Penn & Teller.
Las Vegas legends Penn & Teller will have no prior knowledge of either the performers or the planned trick. They'll be sitting in the audience just like everyone else, watching every move the guest magicians make.
And, if any illusionist comes on and fools the professionals – they will win a five star trip to Las Vegas to perform as the opening act in Penn & Teller's world famous show at the Rio Hotel & Casino.
Every magician will be performing for high stakes. Whether it's a grand stage illusion or a tiny trick of sleight of hand, whether it uses tigers or toothpicks, if they are good enough to fool Penn & Teller then they get to perform in Vegas with the iconic duo.
Penn says: "Nothing would give me or Teller more pleasure than to hand over Vegas tickets to someone – anyone – who has the nerve to stand in front of us, monkey with us, leave us baffled and ultimately blow us away with their brilliance. That would be a dream. We SO want that to happen!
"Magic is always evolving with different performers constantly innovating. We believe there are performers out there who can do it so we've sent out this challenge. And if they can fool us we're taking them to Vegas to perform!"
The show also features Penn and Teller performing tricks of their own as they confound and amaze a different audience each episode.
Each episode features magicians who think they've got what it takes to fool two of the best in the business. However, in front of a live studio audience and with no camera tricks or fancy edits to play with, this will be magic in its most raw form.
Who will be caught slacking by the two professionals, and who will leave the pair dumbfounded and the audience in awe of what they are witnessing?
Penn & Teller: Fool Us is produced by DCD-owned September Films/117 Production for ITV1.