Zoned is a South African interactive multi-platform user-generated magazine reality television series produced by Urban Brew which encourages young people to capture interesting images and video footage about themselves using their phones and share it with our viewers countrywide.
The series premiered on SABC1 on Thursday 17 May 2012, at 18h30. New episodes broadcast weekly. There are 26 half-hour episodes in the series.
Zoned is a brand-new interactive multi-platform user-generated magazine reality show for young people by young people. The 26-episode show encourages young people to capture interesting images and video footage about themselves using their phones and share it with our viewers countrywide.
The uploaded material is viewed and the five best stories, as voted for by others, make it into the show. The selected reality stars are then given a state-of-the-art video phone in order to best capture their experiences according to a set of guidelines.
The show includes a well-known young celebrity who viewers get to interact with at a more personal level.
Besides the reality inserts, the show includes other interactive features including talent competitions, fashion zone, short film zone, comedy zone, social responsibility zone, entrepreneurial zone; gaming zone and more...