Let's Stay Together is an American romantic comedy television series created by Jacque Edmonds Cofer and based on the Al Green song of the same name which revolves around Stacy Lawrence, a paediatrician who is engaged to Charles Whitmore, the contractor she hired to remodel her kitchen.
The series takes an unconventional look into the lives of five young, ambitious African Americans, revolving around a married couple, an engaged couple and a single sister who all take courageous steps as they navigate life, love and matrimony.
The fresh, break-out cast includes Bert Belasco, Joyful Drake, Nadine Ellis, Erica Hubbard and RonReaco Lee.
The sitcom is about successful adults who take the absurd step of trying to blend their independent twenty-first century lives into a traditional twentieth century relationship.
When two independently minded sisters take the step toward marriage, life puts their love to the test. This romantic comedy series keeps its sense of humour as it tackles the intricacies of sex, intimacy and communication.
Let's Stay Together was created by Jacque Edmonds Cofer. Jacque is also the show's executive producer along with, Dana Owens (Queen Latifah) and Shakim Compere. Let's Stay Together is a BET Networks Original Production.