Petrol Bombs - A Truly Wonderful Adventure is a South African documentary based on the story of the Western Cape’s contribution to South Africa's national political struggle in 1980.
The documentary aired on SABC1 on Wednesday 4 April 2007, at 21h00. It is an hour long.
Petrol Bombs - A Truly Wonderful Adventure focuses on Bernhard Fortuin who was only 15 years old when he became the first person to be killed by the police during the resistance.
The film also covers a chronology of events in the 1980 school struggles.
Featured in the picture is South African activist Zackie Achmat, who appears in the documentary.
Currently an Aids activist and founder and chairperson of the Treatment Action Campaign, Achmat was actively involved in Cape Town's struggle against Apartheid.
At the age of 14 he set fire to his school to encourage his fellow students to boycott classes after the Soweto Uprising and between 1976 and 1980 he was arrested numerous times.
Achmat is also a founder of South Africa's National Coalition for Gay and Lesbian Equality.