Kulcha Kwest is a South African docu-reality youth series created by Mpho Moagi-Vilana and produced by Aviwe Media in which young South Africans go on a personal journey to experience and understand their culture.
The series aims to highligh different cultures, traditions and practices, as well as the significance of preserving our cultures as South Africans. It is hosted by Siya Mdlalose.
Culture is our values, belief systems and way of life. Kulcha Kwest, as the name says, takes young people on a cultural quest. We witness emotional journeys through case studies, as they experience, understand, engage and participate with their cultures.
The overall quest, at the end of the journey, is to show how we begin to infuse tradition and culture into our modern lifestyles, so that it can evolve and still be an active part of our identity today.
Culture can never be something old and of the past. It has relevance today - the challenge is how we allow it to occupy our present.
The show involves young South Africans aged 18 to 30 as they go on a personal journey to experience and understand their culture. The series provides knowledge about different South African cultures, traditions and practices, as well as the significance of preserving our cultures as South Africans.
Aviwe Media produce Kulcha Kwest for SABC Education. The series was created and produced by Mpho Moagi-Vilana and the theme song was composed by MX The fresh Prince / 1 Dile.