Betrayal is an American television drama series developed by David Zabel and based on the Dutch series Overspel created by Frank Ketelaar and Robert Kievit about Sara Hanley, a beautiful photographer, who begins an affair with Jack McAllister, a lawyer for a powerful family. Both unhappily married to other people, Jack and Sara find themselves drawn to one another and their relationship complicated by a murder trial involving her husband.
The series aired in the USA on ABC from 29 September, 2013 to 19 January, 2014. There are 13 hour-long episodes in one season.
About the Show
Two lovers' worlds collide, culminating in a powerful and compelling story of sex, love, loyalty, marriage and treachery in the provocative, sensual and gripping drama, Betrayal.
A chance meeting between Sara Hanley (Hannah Ware), a professional photographer, and Jack McAllister (Stuart Townsend), a top attorney, leads to an instant and undeniable attraction.
Sara's husband, Drew Stafford (Chris Johnson), is a successful prosecutor with political aspirations, and the couple has a seven-year-old, Oliver.
Unbeknownst to Sara, Jack is in-house counsel to a powerful but somewhat shady entrepreneur, Thatcher Karsten (James Cromwell), and is married to Thatcher's daughter, Elaine (Wendy Moniz).
Sara and Jack both realise something is missing in their marriages, and fight against the realisation that they've met their soul mates in one another.
As Sara and Jack struggle with their feelings and their guilt about their families, Thatcher's brother-in-law, Lou, is murdered, and all evidence points to Thatcher's mentally challenged son, T.J. (Henry Thomas).
Sara discovers she's in the middle of a nightmare when she learns that Drew will be the prosecuting attorney in this high-profile murder case, which can secure his political future, and that Jack will be the lawyer for the defense.
The lovers find themselves in an impossible situation - on opposite sides of a murder investigation.
Betrayal stars Hannah Ware (Shame, Boss) as Sara, Stuart Townsend (XIII, The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen) as Jack, James Cromwell (Babe, American Horror Story) as Thacher Karsten, Henry Thomas (E.T., Gangs of New York) as T.J. Karsten, Chris Johnson (The Vampire Diaries) as Drew, Wendy Moniz (Guiding Light, The Guardian) as Elaine, Elizabeth McLaughlin (The Clique) as Val and Braeden Lamasters (Men of a Certain Age) as Vic.
Betrayal was written by David Zabel (ER) and directed by Patty Jenkins (The Killing, Monster) and is executive-produced by David Zabel, Rob Golenberg (Red Widow) and Alon Aranya. Betrayal is produced by ABC Studios.