The show, co-produced by Endemol USA and the Hiltons (Kathy and hubby Rick), reverses the premise of The Simple Life as Kathy teaches 14 contestants how to fit into high society while they vie for the chance of winning at $200,000 trust fund, a new apartment, wardrobe and the opportunity to live like a Hilton for a year.
They reside at a fancy New York hotel and are divided into two teams, "Park" and "Madison."
In each episode, they are required to perform certain tasks, ranging from dog grooming, modelling at a fashion show and organizing a charity event, while learning etiquette and manners. As they compete, Hilton guides them through a variety of challenges that cover subjects ranging from art and culture to beauty and fashion.
Hilton meets with the losing team at the end of each episode and eliminates one contestant with the catch phrase, "You're not on the list."