Created before the days of computer animation, 'Dinosaurs' is an early 1990s television comedy series featuring impressive anthropomorphic, animatronic creatures created by Jim Henson's Creature Shop.
The story lines challenge some of society's most basic assumptions, and explore some of the most universally troublesome aspects of 'civilized' life.
Set in six million three BC, the Sinclairs are your 'typical' blue-collar dinosaur family attempting to adjust to the relatively new concept of communal living.
The adjustments of moving from a nomadic lifestyle to one of domestication and social interaction are many, and challenging issues like the concepts of right and wrong, faith, and the intricacies of family relationships are forever besieging this every-man's family.
Naturally, the Sinclair family approach is to address each obstacle with an abundance of slapstick comedy. The 'Dinosaurs' episodes regularly function on dual levels: the puppetry and silly antics like Baby Sinclair's penchant for hitting her father over the head with a pan while hollering 'Not the Mama' appeal to even the youngest children, but the often pointed social commentary and sometimes mature themes are squarely aimed at an adult audience.