King Arthur's Disasters is a British animated television series created by Paul Parkes and Will Ashurst which follows and depicts attempts by King Arthur, assisted by the wizard Merlin, to woo the beautiful self-obsessed Princess Guinevere.
The series aired in the UK on CITV from 11 April, 2005 to 1 February, 2006. There are 26 half-hour episodes in two seasons.
King Arthur's Disasters originally aired in South Africa on DStv's Cartoon Network. Broadcast dates for the run of the show are unavailable.
King Arthur's Disasters follows the absurd and epic adventures of King Arthur on his various quests to satisfy Princess Guinevere's need for exotic presents, in the vain hope that she will finally marry him
King Arthur's enthusiasm is as limitless as the quests are futile and with his doddery magician Merlin he must confront the likes of cunning pigs, pink knights, bloodthirsty squirrels and the inevitable Robin Hood and his not so Merry Men and Women.