Surface is an American science fiction television series created by Josh and Jonas Pate that centres on the appearance of mysterious sea creatures in the deep ocean, and tracks the lives of four different characters whose lives are brought together by the phenomenon.
The series aired in the USA on NBC from 19 September, 2005 to 6 February, 2006. There are 15 hour-long episodes in the series.
Surface aired in South Africa on DStv's actionX (which later became M-Net Action) channel from 5 June to 11 September, 2006, on Mondays at 22h00.
Tuesdays: 23h00
Fridays: 18h00
Sundays: 19h00
Surface is a global adventure series that centers on the appearance of mysterious sea creatures in the deep ocean, and tracks the lives of four different characters.
Circumstances beyond their control bring these four strangers together as the mystery deepens.
There's Laura Daughtery, the young oceanographer who discovers the secret; Dr. Aleksander Cirko, the government scientist who tries to keep things under wraps; Richard Owen, the Louisiana fisherman who loses his brother in a suspicious diving accident; and Miles, the young boy who brings the creatures ashore.
The mystery ensnares a spectrum of people, including naval officers in the South Antarctic Sea, a family in San Diego, scientists from the Oceanographic Institute in Monterey, and fishermen in the Gulf of Mexico.
The seemingly innocent creatures they find are beautiful, but is there something more to them? One thing’s for sure – they’re full of surprises as viewers embark on this journey to discover what might be lurking in the sea.
Surface is entertainment for all ages in the tradition of E.T. and Close Encounters, with lots of action, suspense, thrills and heart as the story tracks the fantastic into the familiar.
The action-packed story follows the teenager as he raises the sea monster in a suburban garage, and the young, dedicated oceanographer as she takes unbelievable risks to get to the bottom of the mystery.