Sorted is a South African improvisational comedy series created by Lionel Newton and produced by T.O.M Pictures that centres around Newton, who plays a three-dimensional stereotype of himself, and the various scenarios he finds himself in as he struggles to hit the big time as an actor.
The series aired on SABC3 from 6 October, 2005 to 24 August, 2006. There are 26 half-hour episodes in two seasons. See "Seasons" below for seasonal broadcast dates and times.
Sorted is a comedy about ordinary people in very ordinary but completely South African situations.
Sorted weaves ironic stories around the lives of the main character's sensitivities, his tendency for outrage and cynical ridicule of conventions which turns out to reveal unwittingly self-destructive behaviour.
Lionel Newton stars as a struggling but difficult actor (a fictional version of himself), trying to land a big career-defining gig. The world of the series is the real world in which Lionel more or less exists in reality.
The lines between reality and fiction are blurred, as Lionel and a cast of real and fictional characters are followed around Johannesburg by a ubiquitous camera that seems to chronicle the private and often uninspired world of the main character and his friends.
The triumphs and the tragedies, the victories and the irritations of our new society is the canvas for the comedy.
Each episode sees Lionel bumbling his way through his days, trying to be as sorted as possible by getting himself out of the contstant trouble he finds himself in.
Joining him in his adventures are his best friends - who are in showbiz too - as well his long time live-in girlfriend, nutty family and agent.
Series exclusive to SABC3
Season 1 (13 episodes)
Premiere: 6 October 2005 | Finale: 29 December 2005 | Thursdays, 21h30
Season 2 (13 episodes)
Premiere: 1 June 2006 | Finale: 24 August 2006 | Thursdays, 20h30