Koöperasiestories is a South African, Afrikaans-language comedy-drama television series based on a series of short stories by P.G. du Plessis and set in a close-knit small town, where three friends sit gossiping about the people they know walking by the stoep of a co-op.
Mietie (Marie Pentz) owns the co-op and is a bona fide, certified town gossip. Her two confidantes are Veldsman (Emgee Pretorius), who is usually the wisest and most reasonable of the three; and Genis (Jacques Loots), who tends more towards paranoia and a fatalistic approach.
Frequent visitors include the Dominee (André Verster) and his much younger wife Lettie (Marna Gey van Pittius).
The tales the three tell are usually inspired by the people walking past, as they narrate stories about them - some of them tales of woe but others of great hilarity.
Koöperasiestories was produced for the SABC by Pendulum Films. The screenplay was by P.G. du Plessis and the director was Koos Roets. The music was by Danie Botha.
Emgee Pretorius