New Street Law is a British contemporary legal drama series created by G.F. Newman and Matthew Hall that follows the exploits and cases of two rival barristers' chambers in the heart of Manchester.
The series originally aired in the UK on BBC One from 4 May 2006 to 4 April 2007. There are 14 episodes in two seasons.
New Street Law premiered in South Africa on DStv's BBC Prime channel on Monday 13 August 2007, at 20h30.
Season 2 premiered on BBC Prime on Wednesday 13 February 2008, at 20h30.
John Hannah stars as the passionate and charming Jack Roper, who turned down a lucrative job offer from his mentor, Laurence Scammel QC, head of Manchester's leading prosecution chambers, in favour of more noble defence work.
Jack sets up his own firm with old friend and head clerk Al Ware, lovable risk taker Charlie Darling, no-nonsense lawyer Annie Quick and over-confident pupil Joe Stevens.
New Street Law provides a unique insight into the world of opposing legal teams and the people whose lives they hold in their hands.