Kitchen Crimes is a Canadian reality lifestyle television series created by Roxana Spicer in which food inspector Rob Mancini and interior designer Marina Hildebrand discover the safety and aesthetic crimes that can occur in regular household kitchens.
The series originally aired in Canada on the Food Network in October 2005. There are 13 half-hour episodes in the series.
Kitchen Crimes premiered in South Africa on DStv's The Home Channel on Monday 31 March 2008, at 17h30.
Wednesdays: 21h30
Thursdays: 09h30
Fridays: 13h30
More injuries occur in the kitchen than in any other part of the home and every year thousands get sick from what’s growing – or living – in their kitchen.
Health Inspector Rob Mancini and Interior Designer Marina Hildebrand have a mission: to discover the dangers that can put a family at risk in an everyday kitchen.
From fire hazards to insect infestations, Rob and Marina are on the case.
After a careful inspection of the “crime scene” using today’s latest technology, they “interrogate” the suspects and use surveillance cameras to gather more evidence.
They take their findings to the Forensics Lab and determine what’s really lurking in the fridge or behind cupboard doors.
Finally, the family is confronted with the verdict and the shocking state of their home.