Spinners is a South African television drama series which follows a teenage driver working for a local gang who finds a possible way out via spinning, an extreme motorsport where he can put his driving skills to better use.
But the looming gang war jeopardises that hope.
Ethan (Cantona James) is a 17-year-old driver working as a driver with local Lavender Hill gang boss Damien (Elton Landrew).
But Ethan discovers a new stage for his driving skills when spinning crew mechanic Shane (Dillon Windvogel) shows him what you can really do with a set of wheels.
The concept of spinning is simple: send your car spinning in circles while still maintaining complete control – and then hop out and strike a pose while the car continues to encircle you in tyre smoke.
Ethan has to choose his future and his destiny, as he gets pulled deeper into both dangerous worlds when a gang war looms.
Spinners was filmed on location in Lavender Hill on the Cape Flats.
The third co-production between Showmax and CANAL+, Spinners' cast also includes Brendon Daniels, while DJ Ready D acted as music supervisor and composed several tracks for the series.
A co-production between Showmax and CANAL+, Spinners is co-created by producer Joachim Landau and showrunner Benjamin Hoffman.
The head writers are Matthew Jankes and Sean Steinberg and the director is Jaco Bouwer.
Original music score is by Pierre-Henri Wicomb and DJ Ready D.