Trinity Blood is a Japanese anime based on the light novels written by Sunao Yoshida and produced by GONZO which is set 900 years after an apocalyptic war between humans and vampires, focusing on the on-going cold war between the Vatican and the Empire.
The series originally aired in Japan on WOWOW from 28 April to 6 October, 2005. There are 24 half-hour episodes in the anime.
Trinity Blood premiered in South Africa on DStv's Animax channel on Friday 26 September 2008, at 22h25. New episodes air daily, from Mondays to Fridays.
Daily: 02h25
Trinity Blood is set in the distant future, at a time when the Catholic Church has risen from the ashes of Armageddon.
Vampires walk among men, waiting to feed on the blood of humanity and the Vatican's greatest weapon against the undead is a man who is not human himself.
The priest Peter Abel Nightroad travels across the world as a Vatican representative, but is also a member of “Ax,” a special operations unit controlled by Cardinal Catherina.
The outcome of his encounter with a young girl called Esther will determine the struggle for survival between the human race and the vampires.