Cavemen is an American comedy television series created by Joe Lawson and based on the Cavemen advertisements made for the vehicle insurance company GEICO, which revolves around three pre-historic men who must battle prejudice as they attempt to live as normal thirtysomethings in modern San Diego.
The series premiered in the USA on ABC on 2 October, 2007. Although 13 episodes were made only six aired in the USA before the show was cancelled.
Cavemen premiered in South Africa on M-Net on Friday 10 October 2008, at 19h00. There are 13 half-hour episodes in the series.
They have been around since the dawn of time, survived the Ice Age and witnessed the evolution of the Homo sapiens, making them one of the world's oldest minorities.
Keeping mostly to themselves over the millennia and living in remote communities, a small number of cavemen - and cavewomen - have been slowly migrating from these sub-societies and attempting to acclimate themselves to the Homo Sapien world.
Needless to say, this has proven difficult.
Meet three cavemen who have successfully made the move to San Diego and are just trying to fit in. Joel is a sophisticated and intelligent man who has a beautiful girlfriend, a decent job and shares an apartment with his younger brother Andy and his best friend, Nick.
Nick is wary of the Homo sapien world and feels like he's running away from his heritage. Andy, on the other hand, looks at this new world with his eyes wide open and is willing to take risks in order to learn and to live life to the fullest.
Nick questions Joel on many of his choices, including his girlfriend, Kate, a beautiful Homo sapien woman. The fact that Kate's eccentric mother, Leslie, owns Joel's condominium complex makes things even more complicated for the three roommates.
Meanwhile, Kate's best friend, Thorne, is intent on discovering the cavemen's wilder side.
Joel, Nick and Andy have to overcome prejudice from most of the Homo sapien world and the misconceptions that modern society has of its earliest ancestors.
In order for these cavemen to survive in the 21st century, they must work together to render those misconceptions extinct.