The Goode Family is an American animated television sitcom created by Mike Judge which follows the misadventures of an obssessive, environmentally-responsible family who are determined to obliterate their carbon footprint on the planet.
The series aired in the USA on ABC from 27 May to 7 August, 2009. There are 13 half-hour episodes in the series. It was not renewed for a second season.
The Goode Family premiered in South Africa on DStv's M-Net Series channel on Thursday 1 April 2010, at 19h30. New episodes air weekly.
Fridays: 01h30, 07h30, 13h30
Meet Gerald and Helen Goode, a couple who live by the motto WWAGD (What Would Al Gore Do?).
Gerald, a college administrator, and Helen, a community activist, are determined to obliterate their carbon footprint on the planet: they’re zealous vegans, they drive a hybrid and they recycle everything possible.
Even the family dog, Che, is vegan.
In the words of Helen, all the Goodes want to do is buy organic apples and call minorities by their right names.
But despite their best efforts, something always goes haywire with their politically correct plans.