The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills is an American reality television series - the sixth in the "Real Housewives of..." franchise - which follows the lives of relatively affluent, bourgeois housewives and professional women in Beverly Hills, California.
The series follows some of the most affluent women in the country as they enjoy the lavish lifestyle that only Beverly Hills can provide.
The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills offers a glimpse inside the world of luxurious wealth and pampered privilege, where being seen and who you know is everything.
These women are in the centre of it all and they have the mansions, the cars, and the diamonds to prove it.
From heiresses to entrepreneurs to a family of child actresses – The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills deliver the star power and the drama.
The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills is by produced by Evolution Media for Bravo with Douglas Ross, Alex Baskin, Greg Stewart and Dave Rupel executive producers. Toni Gallagher and Dave Patry are co-executive producer.