isiPantsula is a South African television drama miniseries created by Daniela Grech-Cumbo and Rene Van Rooyen and produced by Magic Factory which revolves around Vusi, a disillusioned ex-Pantsula dancer who runs his uncle's spaza, who resorts to music and dance to help a group of troubled teens to secure their future and win over the girl he loves from the arms of a gangster.
Set in the eclectic, bustling, township of Alexandra in Johannesburg, isiPantsula revolves around the story of a young man, his attempt to win over the woman he loves, and the orphans he has to befriend to do so.
A butterfly effect ensues as Bwazi, one of the orphans breaks into Vusi's uncle's spaza and changes Vusi's life forever.
Left in charge of the spaza Vusi goes about his normal business when Nothemba bursts into his life, demanding answers as to the whereabouts of one of her orphans – Bwazi who had been caught stealing.
Vusi realises that he wants to get close to Nothemba, but the only way to do it is to win over the orphaned teens she looks after.
However, they are not very receptive. His attempts to win their friendship fail dismally, until one day Vusi is forced to dig deep to find something that would resonate with them: he starts a dance group.
Little does he know that his involvement with them is not only putting his safety at risk, but theirs. Nothemba's ex Xolani, a notorious gang leader, reels at the idea of Vusi getting close to them.
We follow the group through the trials and tribulations of being goaded by this relentless manipulator who is adamant to remain in control of them.
By sheer determination and belief Vusi and the teens need to face the challenge to overcome the odds and dance their way to success.
The series is executive produced by Patronella Sello and directed by Felicia Molusi. The head writer is Julie Hall and Rene Van Rooyen is a writer.