A Young Doctor's Notebook is a British dark comedy television series based on the short stories by Mikhail Bulgakov and set in Russia in the early 20th century, which tells the story of a young doctor, straight out of medical school, sent to a remote village in the middle of nowhere to run a small hospital where he soon discovers that the realities of his profession bear no resemblance to his training.
Jon Hamm and Daniel Radcliffe star in this wry comedy drama about a young doctor's fledgling career as he begins his new life in a small, backwards Russian village.
Based on the semi-autobiographical short stories by Bulgakov, set on the eve of the Russian Revolution, it tells the story of the young medical graduate's turbulent and brutal introduction to his practice, narrated by his older, more experienced self.
Dealing not only with the superstitious and poorly educated patients, but also with his own inner demons, the young doctor reveals doubts about his own competence and struggles with the immense burden of medical responsibility.
A Young Doctor's Notebook is a fascinating, dark and original, pitch black comedy with renowned international acting talent that will surprise and entertain viewers in a wholly unique way.