The Evidence is an American police procedural television drama series created by Sam Baum and Dustin Thomason revolving around a San Francisco Police Department inspector forlorn over the murder of his wife with the evidence presented as though it is puzzle pieces and inviting the viewer to 'play along' in solving the mystery.
The series aired in the USA on ABC from 22 March to 1 July, 2006. There are eight hour-long episodes in one season.
The Evidence aired in South Africa on DStv's actionX channel (the forerunner to M-Net Action) from 4 July to 22 August, 2006, on Tuesdays at 20h00. new episodes broadcast weekly.
People lie. The evidence doesn't. It is the foundation of every conviction. With evidence justice is possible. Without evidence, guilty men walk free. The Evidence puts a twist on standard police procedure.
This character-driven detective series follows Inspector Sean Cole and Inspector Caymen Bishop, two longtime partners in the San Francisco Police Department.
The crucial evidence in each case is presented at the outset of the story. All of the pieces to the puzzle are well known by viewers from the beginning. The question is how it all fits together.
As Cole and Bishop unravel the mysteries set before them they benefit from the scientific expertise of Dr Sol Goldman. The partners find out that the crime, like the evidence itself, is rarely what it seems.