Codename: Kids Next Door is an animated series about 5 lively 10-year olds that try and save the world's children from adults and the rules they impose on them.
Their hideout is a Treehouse and they fight homework, early bed-times and eating vegetables.
Their Arch-enemies are Father and the Delightful Children who are determined to destroy the Kids Next Door.
Numbuh 1 a.k.a. Nigel Uno - Leader with distinct British Accent and a complete workaholic.
Numbuh 2 a.k.a. Hoagie Pennywhistle Gilligan Jnr - Official Pilot and technology Officer.
Numbuh 3 a.k.a. Kuki Sanban - The youngest of the KND she is used for diversionary tactics and is also the unofficial nurse.
Numbuh 4 a.k.a Wallabee "Wally" Beetles - He might be the shortest KND but he is the expert when it comes to hand-to-hand combat.
Numbuh 5 a.k.a. Abigail "Abby" Lincoln - 2nd in command and a regular Indiana Jane.