Beast Machines is a Canadian animated television series produced by Mainframe Entertainment, Inc. that follows on from Beast Wars. Both series are continuations of the Transformer series.
The series originally aired in the USA on Fox Kids from 18 September 1999 - 6 May 2000. There are 26 episodes in two seasons.
Beast Machines premieres in South Africa on on Tuesday 5 February 2008, at 15h00.
As the show starts, the Maximals - a fierce team of robotic beats - continue to defend their homeworld from the evil Megatron.
Having finally defeated Megatron and his army, and, after waking from an unconscious state, they find themselves hunted buy a new breed of Transformers: The Vehicons.
Forced underground, the Maximals undergo a strange alternation of their beast/robots bodies. The Maximals learn the advantages of their new powers of metamorphosis, and begin their struggle to free their planet from the Vehicons, and Megatrons’s evil rule.
The show's tagline is: "Their planet. A new battle."