Rad Girls is an American reality television series produced by JimCo which is a female version of Jackass, in which three female performers - Ramona Cash, Munchie and Darling Clementine - perform stunts that involve nudity, bodily excretions and debauchery.
The series originally aired in the USA on Fuse TV from 24 April to 3 July, 2007. There are 10 half-hour episodes in the series.
Rad Girls premiered in South Africa on DStv's GO channel on Monday 11 August 2008, at 21h30.
Fridays: 20h30
Sundays: 14h00
Resembling a female Jackass troupe, the Rad Girls are out to entertain, shock, disgust and push the boundaries of what it means to act like a chick.
Emerging from the wilderness of the central Californian coast, the Rad Girls - Darling Clementine, Ramona Cash and Munchie - picked up a video camera and started filming their shenanigans for the masses to enjoy.
These girls are willing to say and do anything.
Some of the crazy stunts that the girls pull include a painful belly-flopping competition, the Rad breast feeding scenario where the girls breast feed a fake baby in front of strange men whilst carrying normal conversation.
Viewers will also see the girls performing numerous skateboarding stunts and their infamous moaning yoga stunt where the girls can't help but let out long, orgasmic 'aaaahs' as they stretch out.