Season 1
The Strip is an American police procedural television series created by Alfred Gough and Miles Millar and produced by Silver Films in which Sean Patrick Flanery and Guy Torry portray former Las Vegas police detectives who are hired by the owner of Caesar's Palace to serve as "troubleshooters" protecting his interests.
The series aired in the USA on UPN from 12 October, 1999 to 7 July, 2000. There are 10 hour-long episodes in the series.
The Strip premiered in South Africa on DStv's M-Net Action channel on Friday 24 April 2009, at 19h00.
Sundays: 18h00
Mondays: 10h00
Thursdays: 18h00
Las Vegas PD Detectives Elvis Ford (Sean Patrick Flanery) and Jesse Weir (Guy Torry) resigned from the force (actually, Elvis was kicked off) when their lieutenant wouldn't back them up on a bogus slot machine bust involving undercover FBI.
They are approached by Caesar's Palace owner Cameron Greene, who hires them on as troubleshooters (with the accent on "shooter") to help protect his interests and his customers.
The security force is headed by Ford, a cool Vegas native junk-food junkie who lives on a rundown sailboat, and dapper Weir, a volatile Philadelphia transplant with an acerbic wit.