Season 1
The A List is a South African entertainment variety show produced by Carol Bouwer Productions and hosted by Sinazo Yolwa which delves into the world of celebrities and statesmen visiting the country, with a priority given to fashion, beauty, style and news.
The show premiered on SABC3 on Thursday 3 June 2010, at 20h31. New episodes air weekly. There are 13 half-hour episodes in the series.
Sundays: 16h30
The A List is an entertainment show which delves into the world of celebrities and statesmen visiting our country. A world filled with the hottest celebrities, footballer's wives and girlfriends (WAGS) where fashion, beauty and style are priority.
But it's not just the beauty and fashion that catches our attention; we also give the hottest news around and front row seats to top events that are being hosted for the Crème dela Crème.
Football is said to be the new rock 'n' roll which makes the footballer's wife the ultimate rock star. She's the newest star rising in the celebrity cosmos.
Just like the Hollywood celebrities she's got the designer gear, the palatial homes, the flashy cars, dazzling jewels and the handsome, superstar husband - but all that bling comes with a certain amount of responsibility.
The footballer's wife or girlfriend, just like musicians and film stars, has to have everything just because she can. It is "she" that we are after.
Who does the best tucks, where to stay, where to play, who to obey, who's hot, who's not, and who's got the best gossip in town, because in the world of entertainment it's not just about what you know, or even who you know - it's about what you know about whom.