Season 1
The Cleveland Show is an American animated television series created by Seth MacFarlane, Mike Henry and Richard Appel as a spin-off from Family Guy which follows the misadventures of Cleveland Brown and his son, Cleveland Brown, Jr., when they move from the fictional town of Quahog, Rhode Island to the fictional town of Stoolbend, Virginia.
There he settles down with his high school sweetheart Donna (Sanaa Lathan) and her unruly kids Roberta (originally voiced by Nia Long, later Reagan Gomez-Preston) and 5-year-old Rallo (Henry), as well as his own 14-year-old son, Cleveland Jr (Kevin Michael Richardson).
Once in Virginia, Cleveland is welcomed by a collection of neighbours that includes a loudmouth redneck, Lester (Richardson); a hipster wanna-be, Holt (Jason Sudeikis); and a family of talking bears, including Tim (Seth MacFarlane) and his wife Arianna (Arianna Huffington).
The Cleveland Show is a 20th Century Fox Television production. Seth MacFarlane, Rich Appel and Mike Henry are executive producers and co-creators of the series.