Season 1
Better with You is an American romantic comedy television series created by Shana Goldberg-Meehan which revolves around three different relationships that are tightly intertwined in one family, as it follows a couple, Maddie and Ben, who had been dating for nine years and are happy just living together despite not taking the next step, marriage.
The series aired in the USA from 22 September, 2010 to 11 May, 2011. There are 22 half-hour episodes in one season.
Better with You premiered in South Africa on M-Net and DStv's M-Net HD channel on Tuesday 9 November 2010, at 19h00. It went on hiatus after 11 episodes had aired to accommodate a similar hiatus in the USA.
Better with You resumed on M-Net and M-Net HD with Episode 12 on Friday 23 September 2011, at 18h00. New episodes broadcast weekly.
Families and Relationships. Those are two things that everyone can relate to, and laugh at.
From how it feels for your younger sister to get married first, to finally telling your mother-in-law to stop with all the crazy "cat playing piano" e-mails, our show finds the heart and the humour in all kinds of relationships.
Better with You is about three couples, all in the same family, who are at different stages in life and in love. Everyone fights in relationships, but a new couple's first fight can be a lot different than a fight 35 years in.
And you never know which will be less mature.
We've always loved comedies that make you say "I've been there" and laugh at yourself a little, too. Through the couples in the Putney family, Better with You lets you do just that.
Check it out, have a laugh, then e-mail your mother-in-law about it.